Author Topic: Open for segestions changing power conveter in Traivl Trailer to wind or ?  (Read 9356 times)

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Offline seajinn

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Ahh getting back on the forum is near like coming home again, Long time Gang.
  Any way I a 21f Citation and reading the other post here and replacing the power hungry battery cooker , My intent are not to far from what was said. Except I will be living aboard this little land yacht about 5 months each year travailing the horse training centers across the states and Canada. I will be moving my sales office home about every 5 to 7 days. Customary many of there training farms do have hook up but I can not bank on they all will , Nor do i want to be seen a parasite and then once past the Mississippi the road stretches become much longer. I returned to the States to close out my old home here on the Shore of Md Va and soon I pull out of here and never return. Just no Horse's here except Ocean Downs and the rest of the world is calling on me. I learned real quick as I shut the house down and got rid of my 1976 GE side buy side refrigerator to save power/money, that moving into the trailer was no better and the bills were still topping 100 a month ! Gurrr
 Will this section only confirmed my realizations. I want to try keep withing a extremely tight budget and run a 8 sq ft fridge tv and my computer equipment and the rest of the trailer is of coarse 12 volt. 2 years ago i sold my air core 16 foot genset to a fellow further down the coast near Kitty Hawk. Was No way i was going to try take a 36 ft rhon tower hinged to the trailer LOL !. But ! I have a hefty lot of surplus still on hand to build anew and rebuild a gen set back home in the Philippines and still have a mess to post here for newbees and experimenters. My mags are a magnitude of hard drive sets and 100 pounds of micro wave . Plenty of 17 21 24 29 34 and 36 magwire from the field coils of crt's plus good 18 to 10g from power tools and microwave transformers. I see it i should be able to build a portable 8 footer and the trailer is 22 foot so a mast at the same ware i add a final 10 as also a handle to pull the rig up to flying height. Then I have wielded to the trailer a Homlite 2750w ic genset for if needed.. My power pack does not throw off any heat much to speek of but boy it shows up on the utility bill and the battery is doing fine this fare.. 
 I used to have a large collection of files saved up before the past 2 system changes and asked but it seams i cant recover them but a search on the board now has little to at all from all the hundreds of posts we had including a fellow north of me commercially making air core gennys some ware in Jersey. If your reading this then do chime in, coz I am in free hold and Meadows quit often ! Ware even hoses are racing you soon enough will find me? I think I am easily in the ball park with a 8 or might even be 6 ft system since the system charges when on the road to? . . Or can anyone give me quick detail how to access the old board to see if i can't gather my files from more than a decade? There was a long discussion about hard drive mags and even one i put a closing to ware buy I am a ceramic tile setter for decades and i waned that even the friction in a water saw degraded the HD mags but to just use a cheap pair of tile nippers or a horse shoe nail bitter ! The post fizzed out, it was that simple ! I cant find a thing???
  I am open to suggestions and wonder would i do better just staking my split HD mags and making a slew of mini poles or has any one pushed say stacks in gropes of 3 or more to create a lager pole.
  Then to i left the country during a discussion on the Exide 2000 charge/inverter and wonder has any one found any place to get this one i found repaired which helps with the system ware I little else would need build. All this with a budget near zero LOL
  If I can reclaim my statues quo, i have a lot of surplus needs new homes
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Offline rossw

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I used to have a large collection of files saved up before the past 2 system changes and asked but it seams i cant recover them but a search on the board now has little to at all from all the hundreds of posts we had including a fellow north of me commercially making air core gennys some ware in Jersey. If your reading this then do chime in,
Or can anyone give me quick detail how to access the old board to see if i can't gather my files from more than a decade?

I suspect you're referring to fieldlines - they installed a new administrator there a couple of years ago and to be blunt - he doesn't know clay from horse pucky. Problems arose, the botched attempts to fix them however caused even more (and worse) problems - including the loss of massive numbers of historical posts and files.

I don't think there's any chance your old stuff will be recoverable if it's not there now. They seem to just want to sweep it all under the carpet and hope nobody asks too many questions about it.

This forum (anotherpower) has nothing to do with the other place, except that a good number of the hardcore guys from that other place now call here "home".

Offline seajinn

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i was wondering what was up? Sobb  :'( I have been out of touch myself trying to get my product going global and moving off shore myself.
  This economy as i ranted long ago is only to get worse and the sheepole even more confused and really even in the Philippines is no safe haven, But what i do with my travail trailer i hope to do over in the Vasyean Sea region as well and there not have to fight off the winters that suck the bank dry. Just heating alone is the air fare first class back and forth and I might just go make a call on Dave HKK one of these passing's and see his setup of  stainless steel. Hong Kong is like Vegas is to us here , and a flight back to Cebu from HKK is under 60 bucks and I do some bizz in Shenzhen and might even go do some English teaching there in that part of china. My tile and wood flooring trade has gone to 10 year or lifer green card holders on salary and there of coarse is not enough work i can even think to try increasing a installation outfit to get the tax breaks and fed programs to hire the off shore people to have a go at it !
  Worse thing is i had clearly plastered on my Pavilion Media Center to NOT EXCEPT MS UP DATES trying to avoid service pac 3 which many of us new was carrying a destruction program to disable the copy over wright the machine and XP Media Center . I keep the desk top in hopes some day i can replace the 2 dvd drives because as fare as we know it just took them out and the bios with them. It has copy's of the same files at the other site but also has my eBook from Hugh's I believe was the second edition ? Teach me not to burn to disk immediately huh ?
  Any clue ware to find basic tutorials for the application I am about to undergo? And then to I guess i need make 50 post new to this site in order to list my ill gotten booty I'd like to peddle off before i leave my old shop to the foreclosure sales? If i get my XP back up. I be sure then to recontribute the files. But we all know the definition of  ( IF ) !
  I guess i got some major hunting once agine , but this time i have to pay per kilobyte MIFI i guess, if if if if  :o
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Offline Wolvenar

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If it's RE related ( or repurposable as such ),
your welcome to post in the classified section here at any time, as long as we know your not just a spammer.

The only restrictions are links will be jumbled until a certain post count is hit, and moderators have final say of if something is deemed inappropriate.
But we are all reasonable in that respect.

Looking forward to seeing future RE posts, or what you may be posting in classified.
Trying to make power from alternative energy any which way I can.
Just to abuse what I make. (and run this site)

Offline seajinn

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Kool beans and thanks guys. Yahh I was having a fit with even logging in not realizing i had my books marks in a jumble. Now I suffer with guilt all the copper i just dumped Wahhh !  :'(
There's more to the eye then the cat thats nimble