The Corner Tavern. > The Bulletin Board

Coming up on 2 years


Happy Holidays everyone!

The sites forum will be turning 2 years old on new years day.
I have noticed very few posts as of late, and am basically pleading for all you to speak up and post some about what you have going on.

I would personally love to post more but as of late health issues and weather have stopped most of my endeavors into RE.
I am in the planning some things, but most will be some time off.

We here hope you and yours had a pleasant season,
and wishing you all the best for the new year.

Did you start letting new members in?

That is how we stimulate use.

I really don't have much to post about other than I am ready for spring as I have a 12 footer thats apparently suffered a mechanical failure that keeps it from turning.


Sure, let most anyone in , as long as it is not a blatent spammer.

Next time  we have one ( bots dont *seem* to get through yet) I'll post exactly what I mean.
I have built some tools into the admin section that help do this rather easily.

There are a number of sites that track forum spamming email addresses, so that helps.. but does make a final determination. ( When I look though new registrations)

It would be nice if other amins/mo helped with that too you know.


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