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Offline bj

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Neatness, VS Slob
« on: December 02, 2017, 11:23:27 am »
   Just to prove that I can do organized work,  (occasionally)
   Generator room is fairly neat/organized.
   S.E. shop is fair, lots of projects underway.
   N.E. shop is a pigsty.
   West of shop is worse---hence no pic
"Even a blind squirrel will find an acorn once in a while"

Offline hiker1

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2017, 06:13:03 pm »
Built my little I would have room to work in and less costly to it's begaing to get crowded as well.! Even thou 20 loaded of stuff I never use went to the dump ! Nice shop their BJ..gen looks great...looks like your doing some vavel work on that v8 on the stand..always nice to have a warm shop in the winter.......
just do it

Offline DJ

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2017, 06:43:09 am »

In my last place I had the sheds and the yard an absoloute tip.  I saw it every day and the wife and kids complained about it several times a week and somehow, I never saw it.
When we sold the place and went to move, It hit me, like a ton of bricks.  I can't describe the feeling other than " at what point did I loose my freaking mind and let things get so out of control?.  there is seriously no exaggerating what I did and the $#!+ I had.
I have seen those hoarders on TV that collect old news papers and bottle tops and broken Umbrellas and have it spilling into the front yard and house and thankfully I wasn't that far gone but after all the years of watching shows on them, I realised what we had in common.

As a mate said, it wasn't so much hoarding justnever throwing anything out... if there's a difference.

I started taking ute fulls of stuff out every night and putting them in skip bins around the place the night they were to be emptied.  There was an industrial area near me I staked out so I knew when the bins were emptied and which ones were never full.  By geez I filled a few over the course of a month. I'd do it after hours so when the bin owners came in the next day, they had an empty bin as normal. Here it is all a contracted service so empty or full, feathers or lead, they pay the same.

That made a slight dent but it wasn't going fast enough. I called in the steptoe metal collectors as I couldnt be damned taking it to the scrappy for a few buck as is all you get for steel here now.  First guys took 1.4 Ton.  2nd guys took 1.9T. That wasn't counting the geek guy that took all the old IT gear I had which MUST have been another ton at least.  the rest filled a 30M2 Skip.
That a 20Ft shipping container with the roof cut off. I just got the rest in there nicely with careful packing and regular compacting.  That went a smidgen under 6 ton.

I reckon I burned at least a ton of wood and old furniture.
I cur it up with a circ saw or chainsaw and threw it in a 44 gallon metal drum ( burn barrel ) that I put a strong blower in the bottom of swirly everything around to get a fire from hell that would have got a steam train up to pressure in an hour.  I was feeding that thing non stop for more than 8 hours a day
for a fortnight.  Time I finished my yard and the idiot neighbors looked like it had been snowing from the ash. Knew the mongeral wouldn't dare say anything.

There is no comparison to what I had to what's shown above but I did learn my lesson.  My god I learned!  It's taken me months to get over questioning myself over how I let things get like that AND the embarrassment of it as well. I'm astounded any of my mates that came to help me with it still even want to know me. No matter what they could have said to me I don't thing would have been any harder than what I deserving was on myself .
The only explanation for what I did was mental illness and I stared it right in the face. Or rather got slapped in the face by it like a lump of 4x2.
It was certainly a learning curve as to how someone can loose their mind not only without knowing it but never once thinking they were anything other than fine. Now when I hear of some wacko on TV, I have a better understanding of how screwed up you can be without having a clue.

I was so disturbed by what I had done I took myself off to a shrink soon as we got in here. 
I bared my soul, shed some tears, told her I'd never let it happen again and asked WTF was wrong with me?
She said you realise what you have done, you deeply regret it, I highly doubt you'll ever do it again, nothing to fix at this point.
I wonder?

Thing now is, I realise I am just an untidy bastard. Try hard as I may to make things neat, I'm terrible at it. I just don't have the gift of neat in me I'm sure. I see friends complaining about things they have that are untidy and I'm thinking that looks like something I'd put effort into tidying up.
I think I'm going to have to live with that now. I'll NEVER get the crap I had, matter of fact I have gone a bit the other way and chucked stuff out Later really regretted but better that than the other way.

I used to go round the factory areas and pick stuff up that " Would come in handy."  I still go for my afternoon weekend cruises and pick stuff up but ONLY what I have a use for in the immediate future and Know exactly what I'll do with it. I have really turned that around. Couple of times the Mrs has been with me she is saying " What about that?" and I'm the one lecturing her that we don't need any crap we do not have a specific and imminent need for.
If It's not for the current project or a couple ahead already with concrete plans, I am not touching it.
Once I thought a good afternoon out was coming home with a load of stuff, now I think it's coming home with as little as possible and ONLY what I am going to take and do something with then and there.

I do find it really hard to be neat though. I find stuff is very hard in garages to organise. There is a lot that just wont go neatly on the several grands worth of new shelves I have invested in.  Metal is hard to rack up in any sort of orderly fashion when it's all different pieces rather than like the metal yard where they have 50 of every specific size and it all goes together nice.
I have made progress with nuts, bolts, screws, nails and all the other small pieces like connectors etc with a load of partitioned case's. I swear it takes me longer to go through all the cases and find the one I want than having crap everywhere did but so be it. If I know I have it I do find it and where it is on the shelf rather than hunting all over the shed to find it 6" from where I was first standing.

Still a LONG way to go, most of the shed is still unorganised from the move as is some of the house but at least every bit done is done right and that takes time. 

I looked at my "Planting area"  beside the shed where I start my seedlings etc today and keep all my potting mix, starter trays etc.  I thought I tried to make that neat but it's a $#!+fight and always will be. Nature of the beast I think. Tomorrow I'll be moving it all round the back of the shed which will be a pain in the backside spot  being in the hot sun unlike the shade where it is now but it will be out of sight from the house and that's the main thing. I have enough timber and steel to probably put a bit of a roof over the area for shade and protection so that's what I'll do.

Going to extend the 9x9M garage so I can put all the machinery in one bay and lay it out like a show room. everything with a place and in it's place. Also want to set up a corner of the shed for the lister. I want that to be exactly like the picture of the generator above, Perfectly neat, tidy, clean, uncluttered. Something I can show off with pride and illustrate my turn around.

As for heat, I'm going to put in an oil burning stove/ heater for that which will undoubtedly make the shed far warmer than I'll ever have the house.
Part of the extension is for a toilet and a shower as the sewer pipe is right there and easy to connect so might add in a small man cave area for good measure.

Anyway, probably not a lot to do with this thread in I was way beyond slob but have come back to that level and am very happy with it but, just doing some self therapy admission and taking responsibility to make sure I NEVER forget what I did and go back to it.  There is untidy which I am convinced is normal ( only guy I know with a neat shed has OCD!)  and then there is true mental illness like I had.

I do still stick by the thing though that if you do have a neat area all the time, you probably are spending too much time on the aesthetics and not enough on the actual projects. 

When your clean up is in the multiple tons, you have lost the plot though! :0(

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2017, 03:43:23 pm »
DJ I completely understand. I am in the process of moving house too. I thought that I had the junk down to a pretty low level, but in being brutally fierce in what I take and what I get rid of, I have taken 5 trailer loads of stuff to the tip with at least 2 more to go.
The problem is that the mind rules too well and says things like, "Oh that will come in handy",  " I could fix that one day". "Those are really expensive, I will never find one of them at that price". etc ad infinitum.
Now I am downsizing from a 10 metre by 6 metre shed to a single car garage. My tools are going to become great friends squashed into that space.
So I can relate to your story. I am glad that I am not the only one.
Then again, I know of plenty of what I call " Bower Birds" ( birds that decorate their nests with detritus) around the place , and I am positively  Zen compared to them.

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2017, 05:25:57 pm »
  Thanks Hiker---heads on the bench, and block on  stand are actually two different projects.  Shop is
coming, slowly.  Used to be a hog barn, hence the sloped floor.
   DJ--- been there, hauled around 30,000 lbs of blocks heads etc. last year.  Good rebuild-able stuff, but
if nobody is beating down the door for it, why keep it?  The house is neat and tidy, so I can't blame my
better half.  The problem is mine.
  Pete---I don't allow myself to think "that will come in handy"  anymore.   
"Even a blind squirrel will find an acorn once in a while"

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2017, 06:50:55 pm »

I saw 3 main problems leading to my collection...

1st, I am way too sentimental.
I was raised by my grandmother and still had so much of her furniture and things.  She valued everything she had and it was drummed into me as a kid.  I thought I had to keep all that stuff because it was grans and she was so particular about it.  I knew I could never use it and I literally had tears as I broke up the old dressing tables etc. It wasn't valuable, I checked, it was pretty cheap stuff but not having a lot, to her it was very expensive.

I took someone's advise and photographed it all before I got rid of it.  There was so much. I even had all the old cutlery.
After a bit I did get to thinking what she would say. I remember her saying over and over. " When I go you can do what you like with it but while I'm still here you look after everything"  I thought some more and her being a neatness freak would have probably told me I was mad for keeping it, get rid of it, it's old and out of date and you'll never use it.  Which was why it did have to go.

There was stuff there that was my inlaws as well which -I- had kept even though my wife had told me to get rid of it.
Had to offload everything that we didn't have a place for. Thought I would be upset  and while I'm a little sad, it's more about thinking about the times gone by not the things.

2nd problem was as mentioned above..... I see value in crap.

I had looked for things for years for projects and when I found them, I thought they are expensive/ hard to find/ I need that.
Of course I never had either everything I needed for said project or I never found the time.  In the end I was looking at so much I never knew I had and wondering WTF I even bothered keeping it for and what I had in mind at the time??  Things I did recal the ideas for I had largely moved along.
Wasn't all easy. I had crates of lawn mower engine parts. Probably well over 1/4 ton of them.  Can't get them now, stopped making them in 1984 but I spent so much time working on them and loved them.

When wheeling all these crates out to the trailer my daughter stopped me and said "Dad, are you really ever going to bother with these things again? You haven't done one in years, do you need them? How about taking one and ditch the rest. we don't ned to take all this crap with us. "  I could see the thought of it was upsetting her. At first the idea of getting rid of it was abhorrent but then she went on a bit about the clutter and how it had affected the rest of the family and I think that was when the penny dropped and the horrific realisation set in. 
At first I did put them in the trailer thinking they were all too good to throw out but then her words were ringing in my head and I came to my senses.

We were loading stuff and I started pushing the crates out. She asked what I was doing and I said you are right bubba, I won't use them, it's something from the past that has no future for me, these go in the scrap. I could see she was happy but probably saw my stress at the same time.  Anyway, it ALL went bar the things like rings, gaskets, seals etc that fitted into a Double shoebox size container. I reasoned this with if I ever did want another one I could get it and had the parts to fix it.  She was happy with that. Scrap guy asked IF I had a lawnmower shop or something? When I said no he said he had never seen that amount of parts come out of one handymans shed before. I said you have never seen anyone that lost their mind as bad as me is what you mean.

I had old heat exchangers and other car parts for things I'll never want to own again and so much more. I found a broken step stool. I remember, that came from my first job I ever had as a kid. The thing was still broken! So I finally fixed the bastard after having it 35+ years and FINALLY, the thing HAS come in handy.  Took longer to find the tools than actually fix it but it's done and at last being used.  Was about the only thing though!

3rd thing, I'm freaking lazy in some areas, maybe the hoarding thing.
Old cardboard boxes and broken stuff that I meant to throw out but never did. I think this was a combination of I'll do it later ( when I have a trailer load) and never wanting to throw things out.  Again, so much that I stopped and looked and thought WTF was I thinking?  I will say though that I had help. Spose when you get in the habit others follow. Wife would bring stuff up and put it there for disposal and it would get packed up and then built up.
She got this bad habit of getting boxes from the grocery store to put things in then putting them on the back table. They would somehow get up the shed " to put things in" which I never did of course.

She gets a hard time any time she brings a box home now. They usually end up back in her car. I tell her, re use them or YOU get rid of the damn things.
There is a LOT of cardboard up the shed now from new fridges, bedroom suites etc that has to go and I have found cardboard Dumpster bins in the area for it. I am holding onto it for the moment though as floor coverings for painting which we are doing. It is better than drop sheets I think. This is BIG boxes not fruitbox size.

 I also found loads of things in the crap at the old place Friends had given me. When they realise you are a nut case and will keep everything, I think you get a good place to offload their crap and they probably think they are doing something you'll like.
My brother in law gave me a hand cleaning up as well as endless and unhelpful grief.  He came across all this old computer stuff and was asking why I kept this. I said that's all stuff you gave me a few years ago from your work and I never got round to looking at it. He denied he gave it to me till I pointed out some things with his company name on them.  I said either you gave it to me or I stole it and as I have never been there and you never told me of a robbery, that kinda narrows it down some. I got a bit of a let up then.
Funny thing is, he has probably more crap than anyone else I know. Nothing near my level but out of the sane people, definitely the leader in "reserve" items in his shed and around.

Biggest disposal problem I see here is vegetation.
There is a LOT of crap in the garden we want to get rid of ( with a tractor) and I have yet to work out where all these unwanted and difficult to dispose of plants are going to go. They are hardy things and I see most chippers/ mulchers mention them specifically as being too tough and fibrous to shred.
Can't burn anything here and the local  " recycling facility " wants nearly $300 a ton to take green waste.... which they process and sell back to landscapers for half as much again. I have heard though that they won't take this stuff and has to be disposed of as landfill at a higher rate still.
I might have to see if I can hire an industrial Chipper for the stuff. Surely If they can process trees they can process some plants.

I still have stuff up the back to go through and get rid of but It's easy now. I'm motivated to get rid of not keep.
I really don't know where I got the junk bug from. My father is ruthless in what he gets rid of. He hates anything old and even updates his perfectly working vacuum cleaner because it's old (6 yrs) and he wants the new modern one. I'll never find an antique when he goes that's for sure.  He has a wrecking yard that must be the neatest around. People comment on it all the time. Even the scrap metal guy. Says he goes to places where their is stuff everywhere but everything Dad has is neat and tidy and there is one area that the scrap goes it and that's it.  He gets inspected by the council now and then but they really don't bother. Guy comes in, has a chat and that's it. He came last year when I was there. Dad says just come round the back when you want. Guy says why?  There is nothing there for me to look at the same as there is nothing out  here. Been there before, no need to check again.

All my mates are pretty neat, never seen any of them have much clutter and they complain about what they do have. 

Don't know where I went nuts with what I had or why I just can't keep things neat even now but at least I have made huge reforms and am determined never to loose my mind like that again.

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2017, 04:06:27 am »
This article needs just one sentence -

"At least you know where everything is."


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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2017, 01:13:39 pm »
My neighbor was into hoarding big time....he worked at a local newspaper for awhile and brought home all the unsold papers...that and ..cans...he would sit for hours each day and crush cans ..then bag them..I alway thought he brought them to the recycle make a few bucks...his old cars would be stuffed with old news papers and bags of cans..well he passed on awhile back..great guy...well his brother came up from outa state....what a surprise he got when he opened up the house...all floors were stacked from floor to ceiling with old news papers and bags of cans...I offered to help clean what a job ! His brother had to get the city. Dump to come buy and drop off one of those huge trash containers..filled that numerous times...well his brother made out good..all those cans ended up being big bucks ....more than paid for his flight up and back...tossed a few my way as well...well now there's no sign of old gone leveled off trees and in peace old man....
just do it

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2017, 09:12:32 am »
It must be a terrible sickness to be like that.  Thank heavens I wasn't that far gone.

My neighbour was similar. Every yellow pages edition since they printed them I think. bags of bottle tops and the sugar, salt and pepper sachets from Macca's. Shopping bags and bags full of it.  I think she had the top off every bottle of milk she ever bought and on it went. 

She fell in the shower and took 3 days to get to the phone to call for help.  Cops couldn't get in. I knew the front door was impenetrable with the stuff stacked against it. She would knock on my door at 3am asking me to come in and chase away the intruder living in her ceiling. I'd have to get up there to convince her there was no one. I also knew the way the back door was locked and the only way to get in was kick the thing off it's hinges which the lady cop and slightly smaller male partner failed to do.  I booted the thing clean out the door frame and they found her naked in the loungeroom and not in a good way having net eaten or drank anything for 3+ days. 
Took her to hospital and the last time I saw her was trying to reassure her she would be OK in the back of the ambulance and they were not going to hurt her or rob her house.  Then I went and fied what was left of the old back door. 

At the hospital they found she had very advanced cancer right through her body and were amazed she was not in dire pain. It did explain her recent " Unusual" claims of people living in the roof and her ex husbands dead wife haunting her. She only lasted barely a week and was gone. She fretted in hospital and wouldn't eat, not that it made much difference to the inevitable. She couldn't walk but just wanted to be back home.

The retired age children sold the old house which was demolished and a monstrosity of a place that bore no resemblance to the plans was illegally built by the parasite whom bought the place. He pushed me beyond my breaking point till I literally physically bashed him and took out one of his scumbag workers after he nearly caused my daughter to be injured in an accident his tight arse corner cutting and flouting of the rules bought about.
 He did nothing about it in the end despite his threats as he ran away bleeding. I called my solicitor mates and sat there waiting for the cops to arrive but they never came because he must of worked out that bringing heat on me would put him under the microscope and he'd be worse off.

I sure missed my hermit crazy old lady neighbour then.

There is a woman here that makes the news about every 3 years. She lives in a very expensive seaside area and as soon as the council serve her with orders to clean up, which she does not and they come and clean her out, again, she's back at turning the place literally into a rubbish dump.
It's been going on for years and she has been fined and on the brink of being sold up to pay for clean-ups and fines numerous times but at the last second, always seems to come up with the significant cash to pay her way to starting another $#!+ fight.

There is no other explanation than mental illness. You cannot be sane, fill the place like a tip, clean it up and do it again without remorse unless you are not in charge of your full mind.

Only thing that seems to upset this poor woman is when they throw out her rotting garbage. Neighbours say within a week they see her bringing piles of stuff back in again.  Must take some effort just to carry it all back to her place. She has tens of tons of it every time.

I enjoyed myself doing some tidying up today.
We brought too much crap here still but I am sorting through it and making space in my shed where all the stuff sits from the move.
I realised today I have made a fair bit of space, it's just not organised but when I get that shelving up and can start putting stuff on it, there will be even more pace and some things will look good in their place. Thinking I might make a bit of a lean to round the back for the more unsightly bits of metal and other things I do want but can be outside.

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2017, 12:49:26 pm »
I still plan on ...tossing a few truck loads of ..what I don't know used the old shop for storage.and never come back for out it goes..along with..the rest of the ..stuff..never used ..never needed.!  That and a few cars.truck..ILE never fix !..just looked around one day..with eyes wide open.and thought.this junk is outa here!! Never was a hoarder..just that stuff adds up over 35+ years !  I'm 64 now...would like to go out with a clean slate....miss old Arnie alright..every day you would see him with his wheelbarrow going throu the alleys collecting could tell he wasn't quite right in the head..but always had a smile on his face...when we went to clean out his house..we found a little gas heater he used for heat..he lived down in the running water or elect, not sure how he survived down their in the winter....well good luck with yours..sorry Bj if I went off subject........
just do it

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2017, 01:33:53 am »

I think what might be helpful here is pics/ ideas/ suggestions on how to make our sheds more neat and tidy and avoid clutter.

A formula I came up with about 26 years ago when we were getting married and numbers on the guest list were blowing out of control was If we haven't seen them in the last 12 months and we won't see them in the next 12 months, they are acquaintances and not coming.
This allowed for the other half's family that made the trip from the other side of the country bi annually and kept a lid on everything else.

I should have applied this to my shed a LOT more but I did think of it the other day.  I applied it to Christmas decorations and figured anything I use less than those is something I really don't need and have to get rid of. 
When you got stuff you have had for 20 years and still cant see the day you'll use it, it has to go to the tip and I..... errr, you, have to go to the shrink!

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2017, 05:40:30 pm »
Hey All!

When I had the house moved I removed over 35,000 lbs of HVAC equipment brought home from system switch outs. Swore I would separate the metals after recovering refrigerant, but... refrigerant yes separation no. The cost of recovery bottles exceeded the scrap value but recycling that r-22 paid off. Geez r-22 price has gone off the charts last 2 years. Sell at $98 a lb and make $5 plus service charge. When I started in 2002 it was .25 a lb.

Had 2 yard sale in February and lightened the load quite a bit and made out quite a bit. I can dine in the shed now😝.

DJ, are you unloading hoarded words? 😂😂 just kidding, good read.

Any day above ground is a day for potential mishaps

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2017, 06:51:00 am »
   Hiker--don't apologise.  I have always enjoyed anything you have posted.
   DJ--some things help, for example the jars for smalls, with labelling.  Got the plastic
bins for a song when the local hardware store was upgrading.   Built a parts room off
the office on the second floor for new stuff, and forced myself to price etc as I put away.
   Mostly what I need is a crystal ball so that I know what to keep/junk. ;)
"Even a blind squirrel will find an acorn once in a while"

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2017, 09:28:57 am »
   Mostly what I need is a crystal ball so that I know what to keep/junk. ;)

yeah, That's the REAL key to it all!

I was doing some tidying up today and walked past the side of the shed where I have a lot of metal things I brought with me.  I stopped and looked and thought there is a lot here has to go. Can't see myself ever using so much of it.

OTOH, now I'm here there is a lot I threw out I could have used. One thing particularly haunts me and plays on my mind I should have kept as it was sentimental but I was trying so hard to be strong with it all.

I did load up the ute tonight, twice, and took stuff out and put it in dumpsters at the back of the shopping centre.  I'll probably do another run Monday night now I have sussed out some recycling bins I can put all this cardboard I have in.  I just know as soon as I offload it after having it close to a couple of months I'll want it but there is no winning in this I'm discovering.

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Re: Neatness, VS Slob
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2017, 09:35:43 am »
Hey All!

When I had the house moved I removed over 35,000 lbs of HVAC equipment brought home from system switch outs. Swore I would separate the metals after recovering refrigerant, but... refrigerant yes separation no.

Fridgy mate of mine gets loads of old AC stuff as well. Living  on acreage now he has the room to store it. When things are quiet, he puts the boys to work on stripping it all down. I got him some IBC cages to put all the different scrap in.
He had so much this year, instead of taking it to the scrapyard he had them drop off bins which he filled and they then came and collected them.
this has always been his " Christmas Bonus" as he put it but with his growing business and space to hold everything, he was telling me yesterday that this is going to be a VERY good Christmas indeed.

He said he made a fortune from the aluminium alone but what he got for the copper he thought must have been a mistake till he saw what that's worth now. The steel, well that bought the boys a cheap lunch..... for one day.