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Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:06:47 am »
For those who do not know what Cispa is.

CISPA is a bill presented in the USA that is an attempt to make it legal for the US govenmen to spy ,and force ISP's to spy for them.

This not only will affect the USA, but the repercussions will affect the entire internet, and other world govenments.
Even if you live outside of the USA, its very likely a significant portion of your data transverse american soil, or american owned networks.
This very fact would allow the USA to spy on that communication.

They are likely doing it now, but at this point hey cannot use anything they gathered (illegally) in courts, in the USA or depending on the courts local laws, abroad.

If this bill were to be signed to law, it will give a HUGE amount of control of the internet to the US government.
Since it seems to a large point corporations now run the US government,  sites like this one may become targeted and taken down if corporations decide they do not like the sharing of information. Sound familiar?

To join in the fight to keep the governments hands of our internet:

Anotherpower will participate in its own way with this idea, from this point on until we know how CISPA turns out.
We will not be blacked out, ( once I get it made up)  but the banner will link to eff's site, and have a blackout bar like we did with SOPA.

More info
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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 05:42:59 am »
We could have our site replaced with this, if some utility, or other company that lines the pockets of those in washington decided they dont like sites like this.
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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 08:17:24 pm »
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Offline MadScientist267

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2013, 02:37:28 pm »
 Sadly enough, while I absolutely detest these concepts (CISPA, SOPA, PIPA and the like), the unfortunate reality is that *in* all reality, it's likely inevitable.

The writing is on the wall, and has been for some time now.  Every time a plane flies into a building, a kid snaps and kills his schoolmates, or a few bombs go off somewhere, they'll use the event as an excuse to lay another one of these bills on the table.

It's just a matter of time before one makes it all the way through, and like everything else, the first one is always the hardest. Once they manage to draw blood, its on, and a myriad of others that fill in the gaps will soon follow. :(

Its how they roll.

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Offline tomw

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2013, 03:18:13 pm »
Just an aside from my personal experience:

It is often much smarter to stay below the radar than to get in a losing battle such as this and become a prime target of opportunity.

Or not.

Just sayin.
Do NOT mistake me for any kind of "expert".

( ?° ?? ?°)

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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 11:09:19 pm »
Well guys, you were the two I LEAST expected to talk like this.

Ok, lets look at this in another perspective.
This kind of legislation has been defeated before, it's not only possible but very likely to be defeated, unless/until people stop caring.
It's talk like above those pushing this bill LOVE to see, as that means you are giving up, or to scared to defend what is right.
The hope on this bills reintroduction is that people will be sick of dealing with it, and just leave it up to other people to protest and fight.

The interesting part of this is Obama claims he will veto the bill.
This is rather surprising. As much as I want to believe that, we have seen him say these things before, and do the opposite.

The bill is not a sure thing, and when its defeated this time, maybe they will get a clue and redo things to be sensible.
But I seriously do not count on that.
There is a way to accomplish a lot of the more legit stuff this bill is trying to accomplish without resorting to stripping our rights, but they seem to want nothing of it. Anything that does not give them and corporations ultimate powers  is not good enough.
I think that makes it pretty easy to determine what and who is really behind this.

I am yet to find find a private individual with any real knowledge of this bill, and any knowledge of how the internet works that are behind it.

I do however see people that are paid by corporations pushing it.

If we don't make ourselves heard, THATS when the fight is over and we deserve whatever they do to us.
If everyone just shuts up and follows orders, then where will we be?

In life in general, if we stop standing up for our rights, and what our country is supposed to stand for, those right and freedoms will be taken.
The terrorists/corporations will have won.
All those who died and gave up everything to get and keep our freedoms until now will all be in vain.
I'm sure not many of those people would be happy about the state of our country today.

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Offline MadScientist267

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 12:44:47 am »
 My angle is that of a purely observational one. History dictates the above concepts, not so much opinion. Doesn't mean it's 100%, but there's nothing new about what we're seeing.

I participate in the blackouts as they occur, but really, protesting has historically had limited effect. They will just change the wording each time it gets presented until it's just not quite vile enough to be destroyed before being put in the books... Then they'll come back and tune it up later, after people have more of a "can't get any worse" attitude about it, and won't be all that surprised when it does.

We've seen similar concepts that are more tangible, gas prices are an excellent example. They raise them radically to get the pain, suffering, bitching, and griping out of the way early on, then relax them a bit, and suddenly, people are happy to be paying more than they were before, because "it could be worse, and has been".

The realist said it best: "While the optimist and pessimist were arguing over whether the glass was half empty or half full, the opportunist drank it."

A friend of mine called this one out a decade ago or so... He said "Right now, the web is like the wild west. But don't get used to it, John Wayne didn't last forever, and neither will this.  One day it will be locked down just like everything else. Enjoy it while you can."

We've reached "one day"... and I'm not all that surprised.

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Offline tomw

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 10:01:34 am »
Let me approach this from my generation's angle.

We protested the Vietnam war, demonstrated to push forward racial equality. Both evils were ended.

I got drafted and had to fight in their dirty Asian war against my will and incurred lifelong grief from stopping (well slowing down) a chunk of lead fighting people I had no issues with. I suspect but cannot prove my induction was expedited because I was known to be an anti war protester. I was 18 then and I am over 60 now and I guess I will let the current generation openly fight this battle.

I did my part then and paid a dear price so I do not think anyone can say I don't care or I owe the cause anything.  You will need old farts like me available when the revolution starts, not to do the fighting but to advise on tactics. Or not. I actually would just like to live out my life in the country I thought I lived in and nearly died for without worrying I may be considered a target for the A$$#oles tearing it to pieces.

I truly care and I have what I consider to be a vested interest in this country. I swore to defend the Constitution when I was inducted and I still take that oath seriously 40 years later and it had no time limit. I just have no courage for charging the machine gun emplacement with a stick just to prove a point. Sadly, most of my fellow Americans are a bunch of sheep that are OK with anything as long as they can get their gas cheap, eat burgers and watch TV. I refuse to put myself in harms way for those people!

Anyway, I will stop before I get pist and get into a rant. I will be dead and buried before the rest of you have to get your RFID implant so you can travel, purchase goods and live.


Do NOT mistake me for any kind of "expert".

( ?° ?? ?°)

24 Trina 310 watt modules, SMA SunnyBoy 7.7 KW Grid Tie inverter.

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Offline Watt

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2013, 05:45:01 pm »
Let me approach this from my generation's angle.

We protested the Vietnam war, demonstrated to push forward racial equality. Both evils were ended.

I got drafted and had to fight in their dirty Asian war against my will and incurred lifelong grief from stopping (well slowing down) a chunk of lead fighting people I had no issues with. I suspect but cannot prove my induction was expedited because I was known to be an anti war protester. I was 18 then and I am over 60 now and I guess I will let the current generation openly fight this battle.

I did my part then and paid a dear price so I do not think anyone can say I don't care or I owe the cause anything.  You will need old farts like me available when the revolution starts, not to do the fighting but to advise on tactics. Or not. I actually would just like to live out my life in the country I thought I lived in and nearly died for without worrying I may be considered a target for the A$$#oles tearing it to pieces.

I truly care and I have what I consider to be a vested interest in this country. I swore to defend the Constitution when I was inducted and I still take that oath seriously 40 years later and it had no time limit. I just have no courage for charging the machine gun emplacement with a stick just to prove a point. Sadly, most of my fellow Americans are a bunch of sheep that are OK with anything as long as they can get their gas cheap, eat burgers and watch TV. I refuse to put myself in harms way for those people!

Anyway, I will stop before I get pist and get into a rant. I will be dead and buried before the rest of you have to get your RFID implant so you can travel, purchase goods and live.


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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2013, 12:59:53 am »
hello all
At the risk of upsetting every one , as a Australian posting on this and other forums exposes me to possible investigation by the fact that doing so is all ready monitor on transmission through the US triggered by certain words or phases ,this is not going to change.
At 62 years the idea of foreign troops permanently based on Australian soil upsets me considerably US or other wise.(2000 US troops in darwin)
Australia is going down the same path blocking sites bit by bit as it is all about politicians fear of losing control and i think best way of fighting them is to find Wat they have been up to and exposes them in public , (who is bonking 18 year old secretary while claiming to be good family people).   Rant over.

Offline tomw

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2013, 08:31:04 am »
i think best way of fighting them is to find Wat they have been up to and exposes them in public , (who is bonking 18 year old secretary while claiming to be good family people).   Rant over.

I disagree. They should be hung for violation of their oath of office and treason. Putting them in  resort prisons for a year or two is no deterrent. Hanging works and is a permanent solution.

I do agree America needs to get her A$$ out of other country's business. Stop playing global cop to be specific.

Just from here.

Do NOT mistake me for any kind of "expert".

( ?° ?? ?°)

24 Trina 310 watt modules, SMA SunnyBoy 7.7 KW Grid Tie inverter.

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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2013, 12:05:28 pm »
Again there I agree Tom.
We would do well if we stopped spending money on other countries, while unable to pay our own bills.
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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2013, 04:25:36 pm »
Senate refusing to vote on CISPA

Is it dead again for a while?
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Offline MadScientist267

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2013, 07:29:27 pm »
 Interesting tidbit in that article... A few senators scribbling up their own legislation in lieu of the vote?

Phew, they really DO make up the rules as they go, don't they...

LOL  :o ::)

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Re: Read here for more information --CISPA is back--
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2013, 08:43:25 pm »
Image says it all.
Trying to make power from alternative energy any which way I can.
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