Author Topic: *The Rules* of this forum  (Read 39398 times)

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Offline Wolvenar

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*The Rules* of this forum
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:33:13 pm »
The purpose of these rules are to so everyone has a clear definition of what they can expect on this forum.
Everyone will be able to see what is and is not allowed,

First and foremost. ABSOLUTELY NO linking or posting to copyrighted materials not within the the limits of fair use.
This is to protect the interests of this sites legal status, and continuation as a resource for its users.
Copyright laws are complex, and can be abused.


1. Linking to *UNOFFICIAL YouTube* music videos
   Even official videos on YouTube leaves legal questions that the music industry might exploit if they wish.

2. Posting or linking to ANY video or audio (avi , or mp3) that may have a copyright that forbids doing so.
   (this does not apply to content you have personally created that carries no other forbidding copyrighted

3. Linking to pirate sites that carry copyrighted material.
What follow is legal(ish) mumbo jumbo just in case. This will very likely never apply to the fine people we have that frequent this site

Any such links may be immediately removed by a mod if it has no relevance or purpose.
If any DMCA claims are filed citing any content it will be reviewed and appropriate actions will be discussed and carried out
Such claims may be submitted to the email address listed in this domains registrar, or by contacting any moderator via this forum.
These such reports do not *have* to be official to warrant investigation All suspected violations will be properly investigated.
Any such reports to be false, misleading,repeatedly false reporting, or otherwise inappropriate may (on discretion of site admins) be turned over to proper
authorities to be further investigation as harassment.
If a report is found to be overly vague official or not such investigations may not be possible.

Now that that unpleasantly  is over *phew*.

A few other things are frowned upon here:

If you are a new user, please do not link to commercial businesses on your first post, unless it holds  significant value to the discussion.
If you do have a link to share that may be valuable and you have less than 10-15 posts, we ask
that you explain why you feel it has value to the discussion.
It such link holds no value or explained it is almost guaranteed to be removed.
New users known to the moderators and other users of the forum may be given leeway in this.
Please do not take offence, as these users in other ways have proven that they are doing so in the best interest of the discussion/forum.
Over Unity is frowned upon here. Any thread/post containing OU or closely related concepts is subject to immediate removal of the thread and/or post at admin and moderator discretion.

Explain  before hand if you post a link to a site requiring you to sign up, and what the site is.
Many are annoyed by such sites, and the moderators hear a lot of  grumbles about them if the are not properly described

This site is meant as an open pleasant "family friendly" environment
 It is the task of moderators to keep it this way.

Almost all that come, or will come here, know how to present themselves in a civil and proper way.
However the day will come when someone will step out of line unintentionally, or in malice.
We hope that ANY such incidents when pointed out by either other users or a moderator it can be civilly remedied
in an appropriate manner with the user(s) that made the mistake.

Nobody benefits from a public quarrel.
However if one were to occur here action to contain the situation must be taken.
It is up to the moderators to decide what must be done case by case .

We STRIVE for openness and free speech.
We even plan to defend such, , within legal boundaries, or until it becomes detrimental to other users and/ or this site

There may in time be a number of things have added to the rules if occasion arises to make it necessary
When changes are made to these rules it will be posted where users can be made aware.
Garbage posts stating things like "I need to get my post count up"  just to raise your posts count will be deleted.
This removes any gains, and you are automatically spited for each one. and very likely will be given a warning.

So to sum it up:
We are not your parents, and don't like it when we are expected to act like it.

Act civil and respectful, but most of all, have fun learning and exchanging information about our passion.

Trying to make power from alternative energy any which way I can.
Just to abuse what I make. (and run this site)

Offline rossw

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Re: *The Rules* of this forum
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2012, 04:44:41 pm »
A note about moderators.

Moderators are expected to generally conform to the same standards of behavior and fair play as every other user.

Moderators are charged with the responsibility of maintaining some semblance of order here. In order to achieve this, moderators have some additional privileges - like the ability to move, modify or delete posts.

Moderators are expected to be on the lookout for "problem content". This includes (but is not limited to):
 - links to inappropriate content (illegal, breach of copyright, offensive, etc)
 - inclusion of inappropriate content
 - posts of unnecessarily vulgar, argumentative, commercial or otherwise inappropriate nature
Moderators are expected to delete or move to a quarantine area, such posts. Some discretion will be exercised - for example a known and respected user with multiple posts may get away with a link to a slightly off-topic or commercial-but-relevant site, but a new user with few posts would probably have the same link removed.

Moderators ARE ordinary users, they ARE permitted to have (and to express) their views and opinions - just like any other user, but they're specifically NOT permitted to abuse their privileges to (for example) delete someone elses post just because they express a different view.

Moderators are also human. It is inevitable (but regrettable) that on occasion there will be a bad call, error in judgement, or communication misunderstanding. If you see one, or are involved in such a case, use the "Report to moderator" link in the offending post. Be polite but clear in your note. All moderators will get your message and someone else will investigate the post. If something needs done (including giving the offending moderator a virtual kick in the butt) it will be.

Remember - this place is meant to be fun and informative. Keep it friendly, respect others and their views. You can disagree without being offensive.

Offline rossw

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Re: *The Rules* of this forum
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 05:04:37 am »
Proposed final cut.
(Got too many interruptions. Will come back to this. Comments and suggestions for change/improvement welcome. Please use the "report to moderator" link, or send comments via the email system)

This forum has its roots steeped in the tradition of another similar forum. That forum had many knowledgeable contributors, however it basically lost direction and imploded due (in part) to a lack of clear direction and guidelines.

Many of those who created and/or help maintain this forum spent many years in doing similar tasks elsewhere and bring their considerable experience here.

The following is meant to be a guide so everyone - user, moderator and administrator alike - have clear guidance of what they can expect from this forum, and what this forum expects from them.

Please note that this is expected to be a "work in progress". A "living document". It will adapt and evolve over time as the world, our members, our needs and expectations and dare I say it - the laws - change.

Legal stuff. The stuff that will get people in trouble. The stuff that doesn't have "wiggle room".
Linking to, posting, quoting or in any way encouraging illegal activity is forbidden. Forbidden content will be deleted or quarantined by a moderator or administrator immediately they become aware of it. If you see such content, please report it.

Linking to or posting of material that infringes someone elses copyright material is illegal. See above.

Discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, height, age etc is illegal. See above.

Laws change, and different countries have different laws. Just because something is legal in your country, today, doesn't mean it will be elsewhere, or tomorrow!

Some examples:
- Linking to *UNOFFICIAL YouTube (or similar)* music videos
- Linking to or posting ANY works (video, still picture, audio, text, diagram etc) for which you do not have explicit or implied permission to use. (Any content you have personally created carries your implied permission when you post it)
- Linking to pirate or similar file sharing sites that distribute copyright or illegal material.

The operators of this site have legal obligations to co-operate with appropriate law enforcement agencies where illegal activities are proven or seem likely. In such circumstances, access to your IP address(es), dates and times of access, email address, name and any other information as may reasonably be sought or available may be provided.

Considerations not pertaining to the law.

Please do not link to commercial sites unless it is significantly relevant to the discussion.

If you have less than 10-15 posts, we ask that you include a brief explanation of why you feel it has value to the discussion. Posts with irrelevant or inappropriate links to commercial sites are almost guaranteed to be removed.
Users with an established history may be given some leeway in this regard.

If linking to sites that require registration or have other requirements in order to view the content should have this stated in the post.

Links to large files (over about 1Mb, but use discretion), files that require special plugins or are operating-system specific should include a warning or notice to this effect.

This site is meant as an open pleasant "family friendly" environment
It is the task of moderators to keep it this way.

Almost all that come, or will come here, know how to present themselves in a civil and appropriate manner.
However the day will come when someone will cross the line either unintentionally or deliberately.
We hope that ANY such incidents - when pointed out - can be civilly remedied in an appropriate manner.
Nobody benefits from a public quarrel, and a moderator may intervene in a manner they consider appropriate.

We STRIVE for openness and free speech.
We even plan to defend such, within legal boundaries, or until it becomes detrimental to other users and/ or this site

A note about moderators.

Moderators are expected to generally conform to the same standards of behavior and fair play as every other user.

Moderators are charged with the responsibility of maintaining some semblance of order here. In order to achieve this, moderators have some additional privileges - like the ability to move, modify or delete posts.

Moderators are expected to be on the lookout for "problem content". This includes (but is not limited to):
 - links to inappropriate content (illegal, breach of copyright, offensive, etc)
 - inclusion of inappropriate content
 - posts of unnecessarily vulgar, argumentative, commercial or otherwise inappropriate nature
Moderators are expected to delete or move to a quarantine area, such posts. Some discretion will be exercised - for example a known and respected user with multiple posts may get away with a link to a slightly off-topic or commercial-but-relevant site, but a new user with few posts would probably have the same link removed.

Moderators ARE ordinary users, they ARE permitted to have (and to express) their views and opinions - just like any other user, but they're specifically NOT permitted to abuse their privileges to (for example) delete someone elses post just because they express a different view.

Moderators are also human. It is inevitable (but regrettable) that on occasion there will be a bad call, error in judgement, or communication misunderstanding. If you see one, or are involved in such a case, use the "Report to moderator" link in the offending post. Be polite but clear in your note. All moderators will get your message and someone else will investigate the post. If something needs done (including giving the offending moderator a virtual kick in the butt) it will be.

Remember - this place is meant to be fun and informative. Keep it friendly, respect others and their views. You can disagree without being offensive.

Offline MadScientist267

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Re: *The Rules* of this forum
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2014, 09:59:51 pm »

Over Unity is frowned upon here. Any thread/post containing OU or closely related concepts is subject to immediate removal of the thread and/or post at admin and moderator discretion.

We encourage users to report any post discussing the violation of any of the laws of physics, in order to help keep this kind of activity at bay.


Wanted: Schrödinger's cat, dead and alive.