Author Topic: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack  (Read 20420 times)

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Offline dochubert

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2020, 05:05:04 pm »

Well, as usual. it appears I am on my own.  My questions about the charger/output board are not answered in a way that gives me any confidence. 
I sent my questions to both Powerjack and to Sean at Genetrysolar.  Sean didn't bother to answer.  Twice.  Powerjack didn't know what SW1 was despite my description with location and a picture, and the fact that it is the only switch set on the charger board. Their board! Finally got the answer  that I should use the same settings as on my original board, even though the boards are different.  Didn't seem right to me.  Asked what the switches did and got this from powerjack;

 "that is to control the overload output watts, man adjust it, then if overload then the inverter will lid red light and will be alarm, thank you!"

Despite the language problem, the answer just doesn't seem to apply.  So I plan to change just the control board and see what I get.  If voltage control is restored then I'm good.  If not maybe I'll try to get to Sean on a voice call.  I really need to know what those dip switches accomplish.
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Offline Pete

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2020, 09:31:53 pm »
Wow Doc, seems that after sales service is not one of their strong points.
I guess that cheap stuff is like that, they just build it and hope we buy another one if it doesn't work.
Good luck with setting it up

Offline solarnewbee

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2020, 05:05:04 am »
Hey Doc,

My thought is, since everyone was asking for adjustments to output wattage limits and like Oz did one time by fooling  the board by adjusting the ct coil input. They added the resistor ladder and dip switches so you can change the point at which the inverter goes into alarm and shuts down. My 8kw wouldn’t go past 3kw until I put a trim pot voltage divider inline with the ct coil ( those thing can bite you ya know 😝) and now I get quite a bit more continuous wattage. In fact it doesn’t shut down in the toroid get overheated. That’s the one time I took away the rice cooker. It was the shower water heater or the rice cooker, tough love. Summer in the Philippines water comes out hot then they get their rice cooker back.

I don’t have anything here big enough to run on 240v to test my theory but I would say only sw1-5 are used given there’s 5 resisters nearby. Start with them off and push it see where it goes. Start a graph or whatever.

Best of luck great hear from you. Waiting to hear again soon

Take care bud.

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Offline dochubert

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2020, 10:14:13 pm »

As of this evening I am stopped and waiting for parts (Again!) on the other older inverter mod, so tomorrow will get back on this one.  I need to get my magnifying glass, sit down and try to trace out what those dip switches do on that output board.  Btw next to sw1 there are the 5 resistors on one board and 5 resistors plus a cap on the other board.  Another difference.  Also, the sw1 piece itself is mounted backwards on one board, so you can't go by the switch numbers.  At least until we figure out which way is correct.

Also can start changing out the control board.  Hoping that fixes the voltage control issue without changing the output board at all.  I've already removed the second mainboard.

Onward through the fog!
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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2020, 10:34:58 pm »

My day to notice things;

I was looking at the replacement control board and noted that powerjack had sent it with a plug-in ground wire.  The old control boards had a wire soldered to the board about 12 inches long with a large ring terminal on the end to connect to the negative battery connection. 
So this new board has a standard 2 pin plug with red and black wire, just like a fan wire.  Except the two wires both connect to the ring terminal end.  Gives a handier connection I guess.  Plugs to control board in the corner near the ribbon cable from mainboard.

Well the point of this ramble is the original control board that lost voltage control has no ground wire connected.  It's not just laying there unplugged.  Powerjack forgot to put one on this unit.  Wondering if that lack of ground connection contributed to the hi voltage incident I experienced with this inverter.  I'm leaning towards thinking it did.

The other thing I just noticed is that Solarnewbee's inverter seems to have a completely different control/charger/output board set.  Version 10 maybe?  Mine is v9.  I was just looking at some of his pics a few posts back. 
His SW1 switch set for example.  My SW1 connects to 4 resistors and one board has a capacitor in the 5th spot.  The other board has no component in the 5th spot. 
SN's board has 10 resistors.  With all switches off maybe that's why he's had no overload alarms/shutdowns?  On the other hand, it appears to me that all 10 switches are actually on if I'm seeing the pic correctly.  Let us know SN

Bottom line.  Haven't changed the control board out yet.  Tomorrow is another day.
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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2020, 08:01:03 pm »

Today changing out that control board.
Note in the pic below that there is nothing plugged into the 2 pin plug next to the plug for the rainbow cable from the mainboard, bottom left of control board.


What's not plugged in here is that ground wire that should connect to the neg battery terminal.  Powerjack forgot to install one.  I failed to notice that it was missing till now.  Did that contribute to the hi voltage event/failure?  Probably.

Pulled the old control board and noted that resistor 117-1 is blown out on the source board.  Nothing else obvious so will probably get a new source board and lfdriver and test it out... someday.



In the first of the above pics, note the blown resistor 117-1 and two ribbon cable connectors for two mainboards.  The replacement board (second pic) shows only one connector.  I guess powerjack must have known I was going to use only one mainboard (I didn't tell them!).

So changed control boards and made sure of connections, including that ground connector plugged in.  Crossed my fingers, connected to batteries,  and turned it on.  It runs!


Good sinewave.  Not going to put this one on the house till I'm reasonably sure it won't blow my stuff up again.  Loaded it with a 1500w heater plugged into the 110v receptacle and a 200w 220v heater plugged into the 220v receptacle.  Ran that for about 3 hours.  Voltage drifted about 2 or 3 volts. 


Not as rock steady as I would like but not spiking high.  Tomorrow I will run a cord out to my freezer in the garage and run it along with the heaters for a few hours.  Something besides resistive loads.

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2020, 08:40:11 pm »
Forgot to mention that the frequency drifted a bit too.  59.7 to 60.34hz is what I noticed.  Usually don't see that with powerjacks.  Frequency is usually always steady - 60 point 1.  Or 59.9.  Whatever, but steady.  Not changing/drifting.  Maybe I should change that charger/output board too.
It's a thought.
I still want to know what those dip switches do.  I want to know before I change the charger boards out.  Hate having to guess on this stuff.
The smaller charger boards used on other model inverters have no dip switches.  It's nice to have a choice but would like to know what the choice is! (and how to set the dip switches properly.)
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Offline Pete

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2020, 02:24:56 am »
Well done Doc, maybe powerjack are actually a disparate group of back yard electronics assemblers. They seem to just build what they feel like, not much standardisation.
Anyway glad to see you got it running.
Hope it runs for many years now

Offline dochubert

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2020, 08:56:24 pm »
Thanks Pete,
I'm not satisfied with it yet, though.  Ran it some today loaded with my freezer and an 800 watt heater and a 400 watt heater.  Voltage wasn't too bad but seemed less steady today than yesterday so shut it down after only a few minutes.  If I can get some dip switch settings from Sean, I want to change that charger board too.
After losing another shipment of my parts today, hoping he'll be helpful about the settings.
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Offline solarnewbee

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2020, 11:56:10 pm »
Hey Doc,

Quick note, before it blew stuff up, did you set the hertz? Dumb question but the Navy and all that. Led bulbs don’t like 50 if they’re made for 60. Press of a button is all it takes as you already know but I don’t remember if you mentioned discussing it. If it’s working don’t diddle with it 😝.

I’ll hit you back soon

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Re: Just got my new 48v/15kw powerjack
« Reply #40 on: July 25, 2020, 07:38:47 pm »
Hi Doc, I was wondering if you have load tested the Powerjack to see what it can really run.
I saw a test on youtube of a fellow who had a 15kw powerjack, he only managed to get it to run out to about 5kw before it blew the fuse in the inverter. He reckons that they are really only a 5kw inverter and that the 15kw is the surge rating.
I did read in the specs that the other rating they have ( some massive figure) was only for 1mSecond. Not much use really.
I have just bought an 8kw 24 volt Powerjack. I am going to change my system over to 24 volts from the current 12 volt.
Mainly so that my air compressor can be run now and then off the inverter and also adding another set of batteries will double my storage capacity.
Just curious as to how your inverter is behaving and what load it can actually run.
Hope all is good