The Corner Tavern. > Weather

I'm going to become a meteorologist...

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Dave B.:
It doesn't matter what the forecasted percent chance is. If they forecast there is a chance of rain (no matter the percent) they are always 100% correct. There is a chance everyday. If it rains they are correct if it doesn't they are correct. They would be just as accurate (but it wouldn't cause such a stir) to forecast as a percent chance of sun, there is a chance of that everyday also. How about 90% chance of sun instead of 10% chance of rain ? Nah, that doesn't rattle anyone's cage or advertise the particular channel discussed around the water cooler like the bad news weather report. Just more of the circus TV, I cut the puke line and tossed the dish here over 15 years ago. So far saving over $20,000.00 because of it, priceless.  Dave B.


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