The Corner Tavern. > Weather

Yet another close lightning hit

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Hey Wolv,

There must be a pot of gold buried under that tree that's conducting all that lightning. ;D

I'm glad your electronics survived.

I found yet another tree hit by lightning recently here..

I am not sure how recent this was, or for sure it was lightning, but looks pretty much like the ones I know have been hit. 

At least most of our trees are still standing.
Most in this area have been destroyed by the strait line winds from the storm on the second, and now 3 ore waves of similar stuff in the last couple days.
Almost acting like aftershocks of an earthquake.

I suspect that if you get a large strike at 30ft from your house you are going to take some damage to your electronics and electronic circuitry. 

A lady where I work had an old Oak tree at the edge of her parents yard.  It got struck and split, and the strike, either emp or fingers of current, took out some of the electrical outlets and circuits in the house wiring as well as the fridge and some other electronics. 

Lighting struck my grandmother's house many years ago and started a small fire on the living room carpeting there.  Fortunately she was there at the time to put it out.  She is gone now, but I don't recall that any of the electic or electronics were damaged in that incident though. 

I worked one summer while in school at a park district, and several trees were struck by lighting there that summer.  I recall thinking it a bit unusual that all of the trees struck that I saw were Oak trees, particularly pin oaks, of which there were a bunch in that large park. 

I am not certain if taking that tree out would make your home more or less likely to be struck or damaged by lighting. 

"I've seen what strikes can do.
I think 6awg will last somewhat under 10% of the duration of the first strike"

The lightning rods we had on our house in New Hampshire had #6 solid wire from the rods on the roof to the grounding rod array. We got hit at least once a year, you could always tell which rod took the hit because the green tarnish on the #6 was replaced with clean blueish copper until it tarnished again.


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