The Corner Tavern. > Weather

Angry clouds


First real thunderstorm of the year going by all indications...

Gonna be brief but intense...

Another just before the bottom falls out... been waiting for this thing hehe

Beautiful when you've been longing for one for a while ;)

Looks good, we are heading into winter in Tasmania. That is our wet season.  Although on the mountain I live on it appears that our rainfall is pretty evenly spread out. The mountain appears to catch rain from all directions.
Had a few cool days lately, today is 8.1 degrees C and very windy, rain too.
Not much happening on the technology front, today I am making a home made Sheet metal brake.
I am over bending metal in the vice, over bits of wood etc. Figured it was time to upgrade to a brake.
Anyway hope your rain is fun.

Indeed... Even got one of those "hear it before you see it" strikes out of the deal... been a while lol


Clouds here have been very Frustrating.
They kill my solar output.  Worse still, never get any rain either.  Since I moved here in August we have had 1/5th the average annual rainfall.  Everything has been dry as can be and I have given up on the garden for Veggie Growing. Can't put enough water into it and when you do the heat in summer just burned everything off anyway.

Think I'll just run the Sprinkler all weekend and give the place a good drink before everything really goes into hibernation.  Saving on power with solar and saving on sewage charges with the Biocycle so may as well invest a bit back into keeping the lawn and garden alive.

G I couldn't *think* of living somewhere so hot, with so little water at hand.


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