Renewable Energy Questions/Discussion > Renewable Energy Q&A


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Hi Guys,

what did you think about this technology <deleted>

kind regards

Your link has been deleted.
Utter crap like overunity, "energy amplifiers", and making energy from nothing are simply not acceptable on this forum.
Please do not post such material again, or you will find your access to this forum errrr.... well, lets just leave it there.

Sorry but you have not understood the technique.

You know what gravity is?
You know the 4 fundamental forces of nature?

You know what overunity is?
You know what "energy amplification" is?

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Ergo, there is no "energy amplification".
If you've been in this game as long as most of the people on this forum have, you wouldn't have given that SNAKE OIL a second look. Please don't push me. I don't play nice.

Tell ya what.
If you have built one, and are interested in bettering the world, there are thousands of sites that better specialize in just this stuff. Better yet get ahold of "The Blaze" or "Watching the Hawks".
If you could convince them of the validity, they would just LOVE  to shout it out in immaculate fashion to the world.
They have the reach and a desperate desire to make something like a true working OU device world known.
If you really have such a disruptive device, the news pales the likes of this lowly little forum.
You deserve much bigger media exposure so big brother can't lock it all up anymore.


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