Off Grid Living / Camping > Gardening


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anyone got any tips about keeping slugs under controll with non pesticides ? .....this year for some reason their really bad ...

what piss,s me off now is that there getting usuall they come out at night and arent even interested in the leaves , they just partially eat the soft base stems of just about everything and retire for the night....

i could ( and have ) use slug pellets , but i want to get away from that option ... :(

getting them pissed on beer to a terminal level i,m trying tonight ....i have my doubts though about this working ...but at least its more organic ...

they can wipe out a line of salad cabbage overnight  .......

Diatomaceous earth (sp?). It has sharp edges slugs dislike
spread around plants to discourage.

A bit of beer in a saucer or can on its side they will get in it get drunk and drown. Well drown anyway.

Just things I used


I am just brainstorming I don't know if any of this will work.

Maybe stake down plastic on the perimeter covered  in a fine dusting of salt?
Drawback is rain wrecks this idea fast and it might kill the surrounding vegetation if done to often

Soapy water mist
Certain soaps seem to really keep bugs at bay, maybe the slugs wont like it either?

I have seen these sticky backed tape that has a double strip of metal. 
These are marketed for insect/ant control, maybe this around the garden stuck on a wooden perimeter could also be a more weather tolerant idea? I would lay the perimeter board angled slightly to shed the water so water shorts are self correcting.

Like I said, I have no idea if these would work, just brainstorming.

hi Tom /Wolv...

"sharp edges" .....the "woman" mentioned spreading crumbled egg shells as an old wives tale ...guess there is something to that then .....i can see how the slime might be put off ...could be a definate runner there .... :)....

the soil here is to sticky and moist .....mmm....time maybe to roughen up the surface layer a bit  ....interesting

salt that .... :)

have absuletly no problem with a bit of  " sterile " perimiter around the garden  ....desirable even Wolv ...a bag or two will be spread around the green zone tomorrow ......

bet there going to just lourve that after their hangover .....thanks for the tips ....the games afoot....


I seem to remember getting quite good results from coarse sawdust as a slug and snail barrier.

Putting something around the garden perimeter is likely to be less than ideal, as I think you'll find a lot of the buggers go to ground IN your garden.


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