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Read here for more information --CISPA is back--

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For those who do not know what Cispa is.

CISPA is a bill presented in the USA that is an attempt to make it legal for the US govenmen to spy ,and force ISP's to spy for them.

This not only will affect the USA, but the repercussions will affect the entire internet, and other world govenments.
Even if you live outside of the USA, its very likely a significant portion of your data transverse american soil, or american owned networks.
This very fact would allow the USA to spy on that communication.

They are likely doing it now, but at this point hey cannot use anything they gathered (illegally) in courts, in the USA or depending on the courts local laws, abroad.

If this bill were to be signed to law, it will give a HUGE amount of control of the internet to the US government.
Since it seems to a large point corporations now run the US government,  sites like this one may become targeted and taken down if corporations decide they do not like the sharing of information. Sound familiar?

To join in the fight to keep the governments hands of our internet:

Anotherpower will participate in its own way with this idea, from this point on until we know how CISPA turns out.
We will not be blacked out, ( once I get it made up)  but the banner will link to eff's site, and have a blackout bar like we did with SOPA.

More info

We could have our site replaced with this, if some utility, or other company that lines the pockets of those in washington decided they dont like sites like this.


 Sadly enough, while I absolutely detest these concepts (CISPA, SOPA, PIPA and the like), the unfortunate reality is that *in* all reality, it's likely inevitable.

The writing is on the wall, and has been for some time now.  Every time a plane flies into a building, a kid snaps and kills his schoolmates, or a few bombs go off somewhere, they'll use the event as an excuse to lay another one of these bills on the table.

It's just a matter of time before one makes it all the way through, and like everything else, the first one is always the hardest. Once they manage to draw blood, its on, and a myriad of others that fill in the gaps will soon follow. :(

Its how they roll.


Just an aside from my personal experience:

It is often much smarter to stay below the radar than to get in a losing battle such as this and become a prime target of opportunity.

Or not.

Just sayin.


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