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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Solar News
« Reply #90 on: September 02, 2021, 03:10:51 pm »
I believe part of the 5g rollout is to support voice calls over internet/wifi on phones, text so far isn't a thing as far as I can tell.
But there are a LOT of alternatives to that. Telegram is what most of my friends and I use.

It's like the digital changeover on TV. if your in the fringes, you could be just SOL I guess.

Though around my area there have been a LOT of new smaller towers erected.
Coverage has only improved, I even seem to have 5g if I step outside but 4g inside so I am guessing the 5g here is on a very high band.
I have noticed a lot though I will have good signals in areas with voice but no data network services, even after a reboot and such.
One of these places is at my daughters house. It's consistently like that so its not like a transient problem.
We live quite a long way out in the boonies but have a unique situation where we are situated on a massive corridor of services that transverses not just this state, but several in the region. Power, internet and all forms of transport converge here.
We might not be a small out of the way place in the sticks long though, the last two years people have been fleeing big cities, and word of this area has gotten out.
Everyone wants to come here because its NOT a big city, nobody is enforcing the commandants of the dictators, and we have some of the fastest internet in the world. Kinda sucks actually. I really don't want this city to get larger and bring with it all the bad things that entails.

But its almost always about money, returns, and political will so who knows.
I guess we will just have to wait and see where it goes.

Trying to make power from alternative energy any which way I can.
Just to abuse what I make. (and run this site)

Offline Pete

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Re: Solar News
« Reply #91 on: September 03, 2021, 05:40:48 pm »
Hi Wolv, yes there are problems with finding a paradise to live in, seems that too many people discover it too and then it all goes downhill.
I moved to Tasmania because of the landscape and small ( and shrinking ) population. Now with all the climate and covid refugees the population is growing again. Fortunately we live in an out of the way place where services are almost non existent. So city folk don't want to live here.
We do have TV, although I have got one now, for many years I did not have one. We have a transmitter on the top of the mountain, which sends signals to the city (about 30 kilometres away) I can get pretty good signal by turning the antennae regularly. I ended up using a linear actuator and making an antennae rotator with it. So I can turn it around depending on the weather. Seems to work good as long as we remember to record programs that are on the commercial channels so we can speed through all the advertisements.
I guess that it is the same for most folk, the older we get the stranger the society we live in seems.

Offline lighthunter

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Re: Solar News
« Reply #92 on: September 07, 2021, 02:09:56 pm »
Way off topic here im guessin but since we're talkin about 5G, I'm curious what you guys think of this FCC fellows' attitude toward 5G.  Minute 2:50 gets kinda interesting. Notice also the "we are not like other countrys" comment.

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Offline Pete

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Re: Solar News
« Reply #93 on: September 08, 2021, 05:42:03 pm »
Seems that fellow is only interested in making money and lots of it.
It is a bit of a worry that he says that they were going to put the system together without standards or testing.
I guess that they would get in the way of raking in billions of dollars earlier.
Also a shame that seemingly every new version of technology has a military use. I wonder if there will come a time when we humans decide that killing each other is not such a good way to get our way.
Oh I forgot the military machine rakes in billions for the companies that fellow is talking to.
Seems the older I get the less I like the way our race is going