Project Journals > RossW

Paranoia or Foul Play?

<< < (2/2)

Yuck. Nothing would surprise me these days.

Maybe the rowdies with the boats have returned?

Guinea hens (Pea Fowl) are quite noisy watchdog types but are obnoxiously loud in general.

What kind of geek are you? No surveillance system monitoring them?

Well, if they loosened "naturally" the fasteners should be lying there close in, at least the nuts?

If you go the Bobcat route be sure to do the earth work next door.  ;D A pen of hungry porkers will leave absolutely no evidence after a few hours. Don't ask how I know that  8)


With friends like this, who needs enemies?  :o

Glad to hear it at least went back together...

I'll go with "D - All of the above" ;D



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