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Living in a van and a big thank you!

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Awesome set up!  Good luck to you, sir.

Many years ago a similar kind of thing happened to me and I wound up living on a boat with a blown engine anchored out. I had an inner tube to get out to the boat at first and then later upgrade to a plywood dinghy.

You are already living better than I did after a year! Congrats on be flexible and adapatable! I scrounged and worked my way back to a better situation and you obviously will too.

But I second the smoke and CO detector. I have been a volunteer fire fighter for 12 years or so and I have seen at least 6-8 deaths in vans and small trailers. And the lamp, while awesome, is putting CO out and even low level exposure for prolonged periods can cause permanent neural damage. At least have a couple of windows open.

Good luck!



--- Quote ---And the lamp, while awesome, is putting CO out and even low level exposure for prolonged periods can cause permanent neural damage.
--- End quote ---

Good catch on the CO detector, I only thought about it this morning...  NOTE those Marlboro's are giving low level CO exposure already so a smoker in a confined space is much more susceptible - the smoker is already at 10,000 feet elevation as far as blood oxygen capacity is concerned...

convert that lamp to a couple of yellow/orange LEDs while not very bright they
are cozy and safer....please?
One of those tent (flying saucer with 20 leds + 1) gives plenty of light a phone
charger with switcher diodes gives the right amount of current and voltage 5.2v I
think (thanks Ghurd) (more on that project some other time)

and I had exactly the same color 93 Astro goofy fuel injectors....had to start it
every day if you didn't do it just right it would flood and would have to take the
dog house off and disconnect a wire .....that would stop it from squirting in more gas
until the flooded engine started then connect the wire again bad computer I guess.

Duct tape deteriorates in time and weather.....


--- Quote from: Norm on August 10, 2012, 06:58:13 am ---
Duct tape deteriorates in time and weather.....

--- End quote ---

Indeed it does!

I have some Gorilla Tape that has been exposed to the weather for going on 3 years and still looks like new under the dust and bird $#!+e.

I don't even use the gray stuff anymore. If it lasts one season you got an extra good batch!

Gorilla Tape has generous stickum and resists sunlight so worth the extra cost. I got mine cheap in a case lot for about $4 a roll at a surplus outlet not the $10 plus it sells for now retail. I am stocked up until the world ends (for me).

If its called "Duck Tape" you may as well leave it on the store shelves. Real Duct tape is a tad better but the monkey tape beats them all hands down.

Just sayin.



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