Author Topic: What was the RE related achievement your most proud of?  (Read 12963 times)

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Re: What was the RE related achievement your most proud of?
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2012, 11:23:14 pm »
I guess since I asked the question I should chime in.

I suppose right now its the RE (all solar for now)  system I currently have running.
It is powering all the network gear, and server that power this site at the moment, along with a number of other bigger loads as I find a suitable need and extra solar power available.

Someday when I make the time I will write updates on it's current state.

A large part of this system was used in a wind power only setup I had years back, until the blades flew apart.
After that it was a battery backup system that saw us through many long outtages, sometimes with a little help with a generator charging the batteries
Trying to make power from alternative energy any which way I can.
Just to abuse what I make. (and run this site)