Author Topic: Automatic Catalytic Propane Heater Controller  (Read 7147 times)

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Offline MadScientist267

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Automatic Catalytic Propane Heater Controller
« on: December 24, 2012, 02:14:43 am »
This has been built, calibrated, checked, and "manually tested". I am in need of suitable solenoids and a special part (the rocker arm) that I am probably going to have to get fabricated for me due to its nature and requirements.

By "doing what it tells me to do" (manually operating the valve based on a set of testing LEDs for instruction), this unit has been given a more than complete battery of tests and passed all with flying colors. The circuit operates exactly as designed, and I gave it an entire tank (1 lb) of propane to fail on me. It never did. A pound of propane typically will keep the chills off for about 3 nights; I was working it pretty hard at all different kinds of temperatures, lengths of time at those temperatures, and she came through at every turn.

I'm putting the schematic up, because some said it couldn't be done, some said it shouldn't be done, and others just said THEY wouldn't do it. Thanks to that mentality, the web is devoid of circuits of this nature. Until now.

With everything said above with 100% confidence, that confidence is in ME. Because of this little detail, I feel the need to put up a little disclaimer because lets face it, there are total idiots out there that would manage to blow a finger off with just the lighter used to start this thing. Soooo...

DISCLAIMER: You should not build this. It might, wait, no... WILL kill you, your family, all friends, neighbors (and even that damn dog!) by creating a blast that will leave a crater the size of a football field wherever the button was pushed. Or even looked at. This is just a bunch of silly lines that make no sense whatsoever, so you should give up before you even begin. Don't come running to me after it kills you. I won't have any sympathy. I'll simply day "I warned you" (in front of witnesses of course).

Well, now you know the truth. Still feeling froggy? Ok, here you go! :)


(click it to read the details)

Wanted: Schrödinger's cat, dead and alive.

Offline MadScientist267

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Re: Automatic Catalytic Propane Heater Controller
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 11:09:26 pm »
 This had been abandoned over safety concerns, but may have been given a way to breed new life...

 Bottom to top...  Stand,  fan control,  propane tank,  "modified" valve,  catalyst,  3 repurposed used up propane cylinders that are now filled with water,  banding (large zip ties) and sealing (good ol duct tape), 4" fan (blowing upward), and flaps to trap heat when the fan is not running.

The propane cylinders inherently have safety valves built in, so in the event pressure builds, there's at least one way for the steam to escape (not that it would be pleasant, but beats the alternative).

This setup uses a lot less gas than just running the exposed catalyst alone, provides quick recovery, and can be  thermostatically cycled without touching the gas valve.

Not many cold nights left, so experimentation will be limited to those that are, but so far, I'm intrigued.


Wanted: Schrödinger's cat, dead and alive.