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fixing things

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Hey bj.....

Now this one had taken a 12 foot drop to a cement
floor. Case cracked, and some pieces rattling around inside.

Craftsman might have fared better.....

Hey ....a story I gotta tell you......

Oh Gosh it must have been over 30 some years ago....

........bought a Craftsman router 1/2 HP on *sale*  if someone
is dumb enough to put it on charge payments it cost more than
buying one at regular with cash (of course) anyhow on with my
I had it for about 2 weeks and it started goofing up
looking at it closely I could see that some of the wires
had come loose from the I take it
back and the salesman says "Hmmm....well I can let you
have this smaller router and credit you with about $5 "

Huh?   why would I want to do that? it's still under warranty !
Oh Yes.....but you bought it when it was on sale.

.....but it's just like those over there !

Oh No not exactly .....those have a different part number...

they are regular price....

So I took it back home until these routers were on sale again....
then I give it to the same salesman (who didn't even remember me)
told him what was wrong with it (didn't work) without blinking an eye
he handed me another....went over and made out some papers
and I was on my way now I had a new router and an extra wrench.....
that came with the old one.



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