Off Grid Living / Camping > Survival Skills

Ham & Bacon....


We picked up a couple of ~30 pound shoats at a local world class Duroc hog breeder yesterday afternoon and got 2 nice girls to raise:

Put them in the unused chicken yard next to the garage until they get used to us and later they go up in the fenced garden area near the turbines. They can be our warm blooded weed eaters so we can get control of the weeds up there for future gardening use.  Cured pork products (Yummy). Fertiliser factories, too!

So far they have been rooting up acorns from the massive oak tree that covers the entire area making happy hog noises and apparently happy as hogs in a wallow.

Amy calls them Miss Piggy and Miss Behavin but I call them Ham and Bacon. The one with a saddle and pink foreleg is "Bacon".

More photos here but kind of weedy in the pen:

Edible lawnmowers. My favorite kind.

My last calves were named hamburger and steak.


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