Transportation > Human Powered

Pedaling a plain exercise bike

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I have been pedaling the exercise bike that we bought
while adding a few touches to the PedGen ....not just
making any electricity.
   Boring....altho' it does burn calories....I don't think it
is really that truthful especially the part where I'm doing
70-75 mph.   ::)
Resistance with a strap wrapped around the flywheel only
works where you set it up to a certain speed pedal any harder
and you overcome the resistance and it gets easier the faster
you pedal....unlike the PedGen where it gets increasingly more
difficult the faster you pedal.

Just gotta get the PedGen going again !

You built a better more realistic exercise machine that actually does some good..
I love it!!


--- Quote from: Wolvenar on February 23, 2012, 10:36:57 pm ---You built a better more realistic exercise machine that actually does some good..

--- End quote ---

I saw an exercise machine once that was part exercise machine, part video game.
You "ran" in this virtual environment. The harder and faster you ran, the more quickly you passed through the place. It had some feedback between the virtual environment and the treadmill - so when you were at a steep incline, it was harder to run, etc. You had a screen in front of you to "place" you in the scene. It was pretty crude, but certainly had potential.

Not that I've ever used exercise machines - because the very thought of them bored me to sleep - but this might be a way to make it less boring. Heck, they could run a bevy of beauties on the track to give you something to look at while you're running! (Keep them just far enough ahead to keep you motivated to run that bit harder perhaps!)

They have them now that are integrated with the internet, google maps, and a so called trainer gives you different workouts that show you street views of your path. Inclines are simulated and based on the real journey in the maps.

Yeah, not cheap either.

The Weslo E-26 is an upright exercise bike with arms
connected to the pedals....but I make a recumbrent out
of it by sitting in one of the kitchen chairs behind it and
pedaling.....I watch the arms going back and forth and if one of those were connected to an agitator
on a washing machine.....that's one of the ways it is less


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