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Why do You want Renewable Energy? -Poll-

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That is pretty much our reason here as well now.
Energy independence given the cost has been creeping up so much is pretty much vital for our plans when we get older.

Maintenance may become an issue, but one problem at a time.


Nice for people to be able to admit it's cost without having the green, save the planet BS rammed down their throats as some places as mandated by the powers that be require you to think.

I'm the same.
Recently moved into large new digs with the associated running costs.
I calculated just this morning that based on the last weeks power consumption, our power bill will be in excess of $900 per quarter. It could be a LOT more than that because this area is very warm and once summer comes, the AC will be a necessity not a luxury.  My brother in law up the road pays over $1600 for his power per quarter.

I have set up a solar system in the yard I'm testing atm.  The last week has shown that will save around $270 per quarter in what it generates/ offsets.
The plan is to put at least 3 times more panels on the roof to get the power bill down as much as possible. I have the space to do it and using second hand panels, I should be able to recoup the cost in 6-9 months tops.

I don't much care for the green part of RE. All that despite the flavour of the month hype is a crock. I'm also going to set up my lister engine to drive a generator running on used oil to make power to offset my bill. Solar is a lot easier in the long run and requires next to no maintenance and has no wear and tar to speak of.  Might need to replace the inverter in a few years but that will be a justifiable purchase as well.
Like when I got into running my vehicle on veg oil, I'm interested in solar RE for the savings. If it does the planet good in the process, bonus. If Not, meh. I can't change the world and am not interested in trying.

I have to say I really get fed up with the over hyping of RE. Like anything else it has it's limitations but the greenwashed/ lefties blow it out of all proportion and tout it as the savior of the world which it is not. Here they have been literally blowing up coal fired power stations. That's caused the states that have made much hoo haa about being all renewable loose power completely and widespread rolling blackouts.
Lots of excuses but the truth everyone can see is the greenwashed wanted to push the agenda too hard, too fast and fell on their green arses.

I read yesterday where an energy company that is pushing the green line wants to close a coal power station it owns. The Gubbermint has done a complete backflip and is imploring them and offering incentives to keep it open. Same Gubbermint that only months ago was denouncing coal and pushing the green line. Guess they must have worked out how severe the voter backlash was when the lights went out and are not trying to save face and their backsides.

Renewable is all good and well but it has to be kept realistic in it's application, implementation and limitations rather than just touted as the perfect. flawless solution the proponents like to push it as. It's NOT the solution to the worlds energy problems, never will be and need to be looked at honestly and factually so it can in fact be applied to besnt and most beneficial use.


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