Renewable Energy Questions/Discussion > Solar (heating or electric)

PV Panels. recommendations?

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Ok guys this year I am going to get serious about getting my RE system back online, and doing some *real* work.
One of the first things I would like to accomplish is obtaining at LEAST couple hundred probably more in PV.

Anyone have recommendations on brands that are good for their price, and if anyone knows a good place that sells them where it is cost effective to ship to central Minnesota.
I'm hoping not to turn myself into to much of a sucker

Yeah I know I could be inviting shameless advertising here,
but if its done with some class and scrutiny and meant to fit the intent...
I am hoping this does not get out of hand, and the rest of the mods will allow it.

I made a purchase of some Evergreen panels from for 78 Cents U.S. per Watt.  I have yet to mount them, but they appear to test as advertised.  These have the MC cables, for my own stuff I actually prefer a junction box with knockouts, but for the price these seem a real bargain to me.  Even with shipping I was under a buck a Watt.  They had re-advertised some at this price and still had some last time I checked, but I think the minimum was about 4 panels.  The ones I got were 215 Watt panels, and they are about 30 Volt at maximum power point.  Rich

Looks a bargain to me too.....and I build my own.


Well cannot get them at that price anymore, but anyone with experience and feedback on
Canadian Solar?

Volvo farmer:
Looks like prices are going up some. I got some Suntech 170s for $1.23/watt, but they appear to be over $1.50 now, unless you get into the 250W size panels.  Be advised, Sunelec is really weird to deal with, and they're not real fond of small orders from what I have heard.  Might read up here before ordering, and maybe use a credit card to be safe.


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