Project Journals > Steve

Live truck data feed

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Whenever I'm connected to the internet, the system puts a copy of the graphs online. Up until now, I've used this solely to help let me keep an eye on what's happening on the occasion that I wander away from it... but now that the solar is live, I'm making it available so that those interested can follow it too.

When functioning correctly, it updates every 5 minutes, automatically. You can click (or tap as the case may be) on any one of them to view that and 3 other graphs associated with that particular plot. From top to bottom, they are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. There is a mild averaging algorithm that rounds out the data a little, more noticeable in the "aged" plots, particularly weekly and yearly. Monthly... I'm not really sure exactly what goes on under the hood there, as you'll see, it's a little different in appearance at first glance because of the "width" of a day. Maybe Ross could shed more light on how the monthly graph is calculated...? I've been meaning to ask for myself, just haven't gotten around to it yet... Many things fit that description LOL

Please note that what you'll see here is what I call "the pool", and is where the local application that is used for control pulls the plots from. There's not necessarily a whole lot of rhyme or reason to how they're organized, and some may seem obnoxious and useless; they are used as placeholders so the system keeps track of everything whether I've chosen to pick on one or not ;D

Much thanks goes out to RossW for providing me with the backbone software that generates the plots, and to Rover for providing a place out there where everyone can see all of my silly little (or not so little) mistakes that I make along this journey.

Some of the keys may be more cryptic to some than others, I'm happy to provide some insight as to what specific metrics are or how they relate to something. By all means, ask away...

And of course, thanks goes out to everyone who has participated in their own way... Too many to list here, you know who you are ;)

Maybe a dedicated thread... hmm


I may cut the feed from time to time when there's less power available for extended periods... Half of my base load is non-critical network related and only serves for local access/control and my internet access, which of course provides the feed. Soooo...

Sync issues or missing plots littered throughout here and there are network issues on my end... If they're in sync but not updating, I'm likely in conserve mode; the need for such being visible in the stalled plots.

After final tests are complete and I head out into the wild, they'll stall for a different reason; no web access. But in the mean time, I'll strictly be trying to save power ;)


The feed is disabled for the time being due to network issues and system response as a result of those issues. It will hopefully be resuming here in the next few days.


Ok, it's back... for the time being...

Uplink will begin to get sporadic... at the moment, an (inaccessible) mechanism is preventing update even tho I'm connected. Soon the control will be (internally) accessible, but not long after that, I will be basically on 4G, and tho I can tether, it still eats bandwidth (which even @ 5GB/month has become precious during some aspects of testing). I'll try to keep it sync'd at least once a day when that time comes.



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