Author Topic: Truck Logging System  (Read 5114 times)

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Truck Logging System
« on: May 17, 2015, 10:04:00 pm »
Light is at the end of the tunnel... I'm going to start updating the various threads with the relevant progress and leaning away from the scratch thread... but there's really no current truck logging thread yet.

So here it is.


Things are approximately in harmony now... there's still some missing features that will make the data more and more useful as time goes on. The two main ones in mind at the moment are a "plugged in" signal from the grid charging system and an "actual" pyranometer input rather than the placeholder right now that assumes full sun every day (the darker green in the fridge score plots).

There is also an anomaly that's visible here... the "SMPS.Avg" in "Battery Voltage" takes a sharp turn down after the transition to float... this was due to a needed cycle with the Pi to verify some debugging. Normally it follows a roughly triangular path (that one can extrapolate in the above plot).

Much thanks goes out to RossW for writing a very useful wrapper for the round robin database package in the *nix world... It wouldn't look anything like it does without his help. I would have kludged some whack thing together and probably still be trying to just work out the kinks in the graphing system itself, rather than working on the system it's tracking.

That's not to say that my end of the code is all peaches and cream, because it's not... but it integrates and relies on one of Ross's main contributions to the project. Again, very much appreciated. ;)

I need to split this into "under the hood" and "results", this is the results thread. Under the hood coming as soon as I have time to write it. Seems like everything decided to come to life all at once, not just the plant life outside the cube LOL

Until next time...

Wanted: Schrödinger's cat, dead and alive.