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Super Capacitors

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--- Quote from: Pete on June 06, 2021, 05:41:13 pm ---I have dreamt for years of the idea of making portable holes, still haven't managed to develop the technology

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When I were a wee lad, we had a book "The bottersnikes and gumbles". They'd worked it out, perhaps look them up?

--- Quote ---now I need a 40 metre long 500 mm deep trench. If anyone has a spare they dont' need it would be great.

--- End quote ---

I can knock you up some 500mm deep holes that would be a good start if you put them close together.
When would you like to come get 'em?

Not sure about traveling to pick up holes with the pandemic. I may end up in the wrong place and not be able to come home to my island.
I went around today marking the trench out. I pushed a metal rod into the ground to find where the big rocks are. Then marked the route to get around them. Not too many bends but there are some.
We are in the middle of a wet patch at the moment so will wait until it is over and hopefully the ground will be nice and soft.
I will have to look up those bottersnikes and gumbles, they may have the answer.

Just an update, I have finished installing the capacitor bank. The capacitors had balancer boards fitted so that was no problem.
I checked them out this morning and they are doing the job I wanted.
The air compressor starts very easily with no hesitation.
I checked the current being supplied by the capacitor banks when I started my saw bench and my cut off saw. The readings showed that the capacitors were supplying 55 amps when the saw bench started. So they are helping the battery bank heaps.
I have finished installing the solar panels too and we have got rid of our gas appliances.
I have a single induction cooktop ( which works great) and a benchtop oven which also runs really well.
So we are both happy to not support the gas industry now.
Thanks for the help

Thats good news! way to go Pete! Being completely off grid
as you are presents challenges that i know little about and is a very different situation as Ross pointed out. To "stiffen" the supply at any voltage is a clear win. Glad it worked out and getting rid of gas is awesome!


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