The Corner Tavern. > The Bulletin Board

The gallery is temporarily down

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The gallery is temporarily down..

It's overall a complicated problem, but this is the basic explanation.

The gallery is hosted on another server than the forum, as it has a significantly larger connection..

Because of extreme cold the connection to this server has failed..
We have not seen this kind of sustained cold in the area for over 6 years. Since a lot of the new tech that runs the internet connections here in northern Mn are newer than that they have never been stressed like they were recently, and some pretty strange things have happened over the last few days.
Some problems took out a very large portion of our area, including phones/cells.

I have been told that this connection cannot be fixed for several days, so I wil be physically visiting the gallery's server to relocate the data to the same server as the www until that connection is back online. This is nearly 30 mile trip (one way), and a large portion is on a hilly / icy small back road. Funny how they pick a middle-of-no-where back road to run a major fiber optic line huh?

Lets hope the connection here holds up  here :o

Your safety is more important than that gallery. Stay home off the ice.  Thanks for what you do Wolv.

David HK:

An interesting note.

Just a couple of curiosity questions. Is the fibre optic cable above ground and on poles, or, buried below ground?

And second, do you believe the story you have been given?

David in HK

Yes I believe them, I can verify the situation.

I have the machine now in my possession and will be moving things withing a couple hours once I deal with a couple family issues.

Ice is the norm here, just that particular road sucks worse than most.

It would have thawed out soon, like maybe May?


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