Renewable Energy Questions/Discussion > Wind and Hydro

Blades stalling

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--- Quote from: niall on February 09, 2017, 04:18:47 pm ---in the interesting times we live in maybe having your own power  is good

--- End quote ---

In our part of the world, we've had a bit of a heat-wave. One state "ran out of power" yesterday and they had to urgently load-shed 100MW - so they had rolling blackouts in South Australia.

Where I am we only got to a little over 43 deg C (was still 33C at midnight and only got down to 29C overnight). We're expecting more of the same again today. (Already over 40C at midday) and the pundits are warning of more power cuts in south australia and likely in other states.

Days like this I'm glad to be 100% offgrid. :)

Days like this I'm glad to be 100% offgrid. :)

honestly ...i would,nt know Ross ....but i see the appeal.....on Hughs last course here all the tools were run of gens .....there was basically  no grid on site ...nor would there be thereafter 

being off grid ( for me .....sadly just for a week ) made me unhinged a bit .....but it does make you think

in a good way  :)

( looks nervously at solar panels and needs a shower )

any new plans Turbomiles ?

Long ago now, so long it feels like another lifetime or something, I built a ferrite mag alternator that worked quite well for its parts and my lack of knowledge.
I used nothing more than "upcycled" ceramic magnetron magnets on a large disk. I could get about 750 watts from it, and it was FAR from a well designed alternator.
Most of its limitation I believe  came about from the undersized wire used in the windings, and not matching the load well, yet having more than enough blade. All turned to heat in the windings, which was it's fate. It didnt last more than a few weeks I believe.
It burned up when the batteries were low, and the wind was not. 

This was just the initial setup to see what I could make of them.
I eventually had a flywheel on the back of this to make it sturdier.
That disk was 20" which likely helped it a lot.
Seems I cannot locate, or didn't upload any more of the pics from the project.
But yeah it most certainly can be done well with ceramics if you compensate for the lesser powered magnets.

Going by the picture date, that was 2004.
Ouch, that's one way to make a guy feel old..

speaking of old.....can't understand why I feel that way I'm only 85.....
oh by the way did you ever hook up those plastic blades you had a long time ago ?
I have plastic blades that tomw gave me gonna hook them up to 100 NiCads ....
thats about 10 amp/hrs, 12 volts

Wolvenar, just wondering what the output waveform from the home made generators looks like. I have one sitting in my shed that a friend left here. Long story but some lunatic did a solar/wind system for them and charged a fortune for a crap setup. Unfortunately his workmanship was such that everything he did had to be done again properly. The generator he made them was like the one in your picture but he epoxied over the coils and magnets. Did a crap job of that too and the discs are not flat, there is a big air gap. Basically I have parked it as it is not work working on.
Just wondering what the output wave looks like, and how efficient they are compared to a standard generator configuration.


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