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Offline luv2weld

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Survival Kit
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:17:46 pm »
Was wondering how many are isolated like me----27 miles down a Forest Service road from the hard-topped road, phone lines,etc. 4 miles to the closest neighbor.
And are you prepared if something happens---- flat tire, slide off the road in a blizzard, etc. Do you carry a survival kit and what
is in it????
My kit is in a 3 lb coffee can. I can use the can to cook in or melt snow for water, or hold a candle for heat and light. Also to dip water if I need to add water to the radiator. Inside is a box of waterproof matches inside a waterproof matchbox, 6 tea light candles, 4 individual servings of SPAM (foil envelopes), a compass, a couple of trail bars (granola bars), a roll of toilet paper, a package of Fire Blox and a Fox 40 or Storm  whistle (whistles that do not have a pea rattling around in it.) There is also a cheapie makeup compact because the mirror is protected.

Also behind the seat of the truck we carry a folding shovel, a folding saw, a camp axe, a couple of traction mats and a set of tools.There is also a tarp, a piece of parachute cord (550 cord), a fire extinguisher and a small box of baking soda.
Since I always have a knife and multi-tool on my belt, they do not need to be in the kit. However I do carry a diamond sharpener in the console of the truck. We also have a spacebag with 2 Hunter orange jackets (with hoods) and a couple pair of dry socks and a couple of "space blankets". The color of the jackets was chosen because in an emergency, you WANT to be seen. Also in the bag are 2 hats, 2 pair of ski gloves and 2 scarves. 

 In the glovebox there is a roll of black tape and spare fuses. On the dash there are two solar flashlights (the sun keeps them charged). You could also use the crank-type or shake  lights. And since anytime I go out the door of the house I have a flashlight in my pocket (and you thought I was just glad to see you!!) that means we have at least 3 flashlights when we are in the truck.

The Spam and trail bars are replaced with new ones every 6 months. Under the seat is a first aid kit. It gets replaced often too. Because things become out dated and the bandaids won't stick anymore. Also every time we go anywhere, we do not leave the house without an insulated lunchbag that contains 2 sports drinks, a bottle of water and 2 extra trail bars.

The spare tire and tire changing tools are never removed from the truck, but are checked often. We have had a sharp rock puncture a tire a couple of times.
When I found a good deal on winches, I called my city-bound brother and asked if he wanted me to pick one up for him. He said he didn't need a winch because he had a cell phone!! When he came to visit, he ended up stuck, off the road and found out that cell phones don't work so well in the mountains. There ain't no AAA back here!!! You must depend on yourself, because there ain't nobody else coming to help you.

We have also used the jackets, gloves and hats to walk a mile to get home because we slid off the road coming home in a blizzard.
We were very thankful we had the jackets and things with us.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. But if I have, when I remember it I'll do an add-on post.


The best way to "kill time" is to work it to death!

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Offline Wolvenar

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Re: Survival Kit
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 12:40:29 pm »
Ralph you sound very prepared.
We also have a slightly smaller kit such as yours. My uncle in the early nineties got stuck when he went off the road in the middle of no where. He spent the night in the truck with no supplies, a CB that would not work , and no heat but his dog.
He finally decided to walk to the last place he passed 3 miles back. This happened during a massive storm on a long weekend in snowbird territory. There was no one coming to help him. In the end he lost several toes, and damaged his heal to the point of needing skin grafts. We all learned from that one, and ever since have had similar supplies that most people consider me/my family nuts for.
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Offline ghurd

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Re: Survival Kit
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 06:24:17 pm »
Cheezy little 3" long $3 'leatherman' copies?
Sometimes smaller is better, and if I NEED one I left it at home that day

How about couple pound spool of steel wire?
(Needlenose pliars with cutters in the jaws are implied with the wire.)
Handy stuff.  In the bush, I use it for making rocks into anchors, making and fixing stuff, etc.

More than once, 50' was doubled, then redoubled, then fashioned into makeshift 'tire chains' for that pesky rear passenger side tire.  Can't do that with para-cord.  Only takes once to be worth the cost.  Tire chains are not exactly common around here because of AAA.

A couple name brand disposable lighters (Bic).

My experience with fire blocks is they don't burn very long, and not long enough with wet wood.
Consider some medium size paper condiment cups, with rolled up corrigated cardbard in them (scrap candle wick in the corrigated so it can be stood up and lighted is nice) and covered with melted scrap candle wax, can light with 1 match everytime if its built right.  They last like 20 minutes, unless the fire gets rip roaring.  101% waterproof.  I keep several small ones in the bush medical kit.
Handy for any outside/camp fire, so I make like 60 at a time while the kitchen is all messed up.
(photo on request)

Same idea but larger.  Corrigated cardboard in a tuna can covered with scrap candle wax, and can even cook on them with a modified antique coffee can (I think its all in an old Boy Scout manual).    Last a long time, like maybe a couple hours?

Worlds cheapest road flare starts a fire too. Just a thought.

Offline m12ax7

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Re: Survival Kit
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 07:48:15 pm »
You might find this place interesting.

Offline luv2weld

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Re: Survival Kit
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 10:24:47 am »
I never mentioned the tool box in the back of the truck. That's where chains for all 4 tires are. Also a 5 gallon can of fuel, tow chains,
tow strap, ratchet straps, anchor shackles, and quick links. Also the road flares. Guess I didn't think of this stuff as survival equipment because it's just part of everyday life.

We have 2 in. box receivers on the front and rear of the truck so we can use the winch from either end.

We all learned from that one
What was that old saying........ "If we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it."
When I was growing up in Kansas, my next door neighbors brother lost part of his penis to frostbite because of the same situation......
stranded, below 0 temperatures, howling wind and snow, had to walk and wasn't properly dressed. I decided then that I might not have that much, and I ain't willing to lose any of it!!!!!

How about couple pound spool of steel wire?
Good idea. I'm going to go get my spool of rebar tie wire and throw in the tool box.


The best way to "kill time" is to work it to death!

I wouldn't need to manage my anger if people would learn to manage their stupidity!!

Offline striider

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Re: Survival Kit
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 02:49:26 am »
Ralph- sounds like a great kit, and you gave me a couple of ideas for my car kit too.  I keep a BOB (bug out bag) in the Suburban that has many of the things you listed and more, as well as chains and towstraps.  No winch on the suburban, but the Jeep (with winch) is usually within walking distance if I get stuck too badly near my place, and it has come in handy more than once!

Ghurd - those are nice fire starters that you described.  I may have to experiment with something like that.  As a part-time resident of the same county as Ralph, I feel obligated to mention that if he gets stuck near home, he will have available some of nature's best fire starters: fatwood.  Basically, all we have around us are pines and aspens, and any standing dead pine or stump easily yields excellent sap-infused fatwood.  You can use a knife to harvest it or an axe, turn it into feather sticks or simply split it into match-like sticks, and it burns for a LONG time to dry out wet tinder.  I keep a few pieces in my packs.  I also love the fact that you mentioned BIC brand lighters.  They are far and away the best built ones on the market that I have found, which is important in a survival situation.

Also of note- never leave home without appropriate footwear either strapped to your feet, or in your vehicle.  Walking a few miles in knee deep snow in tennies will teach you this lesson very quickly, and possibly permanently if you lose phalanges to frostbite.