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Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by dochubert on September 11, 2023, 04:45:42 pm »
My latest addition to my inverter collection just arrived.
An EG4 6000ex-48HV.  It's a split phase 240/120vac, 48vdc input low frequency model that includes a charge controller.  The charge controller will take up to 500vdc (open circuit) input for 48v battery charging.


Have to prepare the mounting spot, then get it mounted before I can hook up and test.  Hopefully soon.  Have to finish a tub to shower conversion first (taking forever!)
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by dochubert on August 15, 2023, 07:23:14 pm »
Sorry we have had multiple severe storms lately, it took down the system a couple times.

No worries here!  I'm just glad it's not another mystery (or me having delusions!)  You do a great job of keeping things running.  Thanks!
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by Wolvenar on August 13, 2023, 11:34:09 am »
Sorry we have had multiple severe storms lately, it took down the system a couple times.
I wasn't home the last time for a couple of days. I had to get someone to go get things online the last time.
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by dochubert on August 11, 2023, 07:54:52 pm »

This is the first day in more than a week that I could access this site.  Got the 'Site not available - Try again?' message.  Tried both my computers. 

Glad it's back!  Happened the same way a couple of years ago, and when I mentioned it here, nobody else seemed to have the problem so can't explain it.

Ghosts?  Gremlins?

Oh well glad it's back.
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by Wolvenar on August 05, 2023, 10:03:40 pm »
I'm of course still here but life has been stupid busy like normal.

Hey if it actually works great, if it don't let us know why.
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by bj on July 26, 2023, 05:23:51 am »
Hey Doc
From one who still reads, thanks for sharing
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by dochubert on July 20, 2023, 04:46:13 pm »

Hi to anyone still reading here,

All is relatively quiet in Southern Idaho.  Solar and powerjack inverter are working flawlessly 24/7.  Height of summer so plenty of power.

Winter and those short, poor sunshine days are on my mind.  I'm considering a "range extender" type small generator that puts out 48-60 volts dc at about 50a(that's what is claimed anyway).  If the grid is down in winter, I might be able to keep the batteries up enough to get by (with frugal power usage!).

Don't want to get ahead of myself on this, but I am working on a way to produce power without sun, wind, or hydro that looks promising.  I've tried some 'out there' ideas previously without success, but this idea uses off the shelf components in ways I don't think anybody else has tried, with the goal of charging my battery bank in winter.  When I have something concrete I will post it far and wide, starting right here.  Then people smarter than me can improve and spread it all over so nobody tries to make me disappear. 

I like being invisible but don't want to be gone entirely....
Users Projects / Re: Going off-grid in Idaho
« Last post by Wolvenar on January 18, 2023, 01:30:27 pm »
David HK

I'll partially answer that question about young people.
Because schools have taught them to not step out of line, be a good little consumer.
Why would anyone need to know more than the minimal skill needed for their desired trade?
Are we all supposed to spend our time only on social media, and legacy media where we can be told what to do and what to think?
another Update,  has a LED as a heartbeat, whenever it picks up a proper signal from the transmitter. if goes solid, garbled data was recieved and will reset chip, else pulses. If it goes out of range of transmitter it will stop pulsing, again resetting chip to try connecting again.... also played with the timings ( more specific for my setup, but configurable) and put some upper/lower voltage limits on recieved voltage for more redundancy...
OK, so found a minor fault, would after a undetermined amount of time, lock up and send full stops, so moved the watchdog reset flag into the" send " loop... so if it doesn't receive anything for 8 secs the WDT will reset chip... no more lock ups ...
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