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Another PJ journey

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I started on the Power Jack journey some months ago and have been gathering parts and assistance from a mate down the road

One thing we couldn't find here in NZ was decent torroids - no redundant grid ties here unfortunately. What we did find was some old heavy duty current transformers that maybe could be re-purposed in a different way and a couple of rolls of 1.8mm enameled copper wire.

These are the raw materials

Here I'm getting down to the sailcloth and shellac!

Not much wire on them and what there is is not very thick

And here is what I was stripping them down for - a pile of toroids that could be rewould

Having stripped 2 transformers, we have enough of the 1" thick cores to make one PJ core

Part 2 will show the winder (wish I had a lathe or knew someone with one big enough!)

Having submitted part 2 three^H^H^H^H^H four times now and it disappearing  I'm giving up for the night.

....... now I'm getting excited... keen to see how this pans out.

Sort of feels old school... starting from scratch..


The winder is based on the 3m Piggott wind turbine which is down for a service at the moment. The 1.5 ton trailer hub is certainly up to the job!!

A 'top hat' of 3mm steel with a 90mm length of tube in the centre and a  5mm MDF facing sheet was contructed.

This was fixed to the hub with some spare N42 magnets - it ain't going nowhere!

The start of the donor core is fed onto a layer of string - this is pulled out when the winding is completed to release the core from the former - and a sprung loaded tensioner set up (the 2x1 wood!)

Has the anotherpower server run out of disk space? I've lost 6 attempts at uploading pictures now.

Perhaps time to check php.ini for what has been put into max_execution_time, max_input_time and memory_limit as I've seen these resource restrictions have this effect.


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