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Capacitive battery charging

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I wouldn't agree with me either...

It needs one more diode from cap to "ground", which is in keeping with the simplicity, but you can't help get the feeling your putting lipstick on a pig.


My main issue is in its super simplicity to construct, and that caps are unforgiving at high voltages.

GFI/RCD/Etc, whatever you might want to call them, won't do anything against direct contact with a charged cap.

It isn't that there are not plenty more things lurking around on the forum/web that are just as dangerous, and many more so even, but their complexity puts them a little further out of reach for those that haven't "climbed their way up" to them and learned of the dangers of such things along the way. I agree otherwise on the Darwin awards... heh

As for the "power factor veracity", the PF is crap for the same reason line sourced switching supplies have gotten away from "simple doubler" designs. And the higher the nominal battery voltage being charged, the worse it is.

PF however was just some of the icing on the cake on this one. The dangers of such a scheme are orders of magnitude more prominent than pathetic PF.

I have been considering building some LED lighting powered directly from the power outlet using this setup to control the current by adding a bridge rectifier and a filter cap on the output.

I'm gonna go with "Great ACADEMIC demonstration of capacitance and

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I have been using this type of charger for a couple years now and I am very impressed with what it can do but I am terrified that a dog kid neighbor or any other living thing get close to it so it limits how much I can use it it would be nice if somebody would make it safe or safer


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